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the health

Health was defined in 1948 by the World Health Organization as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of illness or disability. This definition was revised in 1986 to make health a source of daily life, not a goal of life. Focuses on social and personal resources, as well as physical abilities. More recently, researchers have defined health as the ability of the body to adapt to new threats and obstacles, based on the idea that modern science has greatly increased people’s awareness of diseases, their nature, and how to deal with them.
In any case, a healthy lifestyle is the best way to maintain physical and mental health. You do not have to wait for the disease to begin to take healthy health patterns. Health is influenced by our daily choices and extends to the whole age. One’s sense of intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social well-being increases. When one feels well, his abilities multiply and his abilities grow.

5 important numbers to maintain health

People in this age live a life full of numbers. Almost no day passes without using numbers and indicators, either on the personal or the public level, at all levels, but it is different in health; although it is part of life, some people do not know the numbers that can save their lives. These figures are important because they indicate the state of health of the body, and explain the occurrence of symptoms, which control and control can maintain health, and avoid many diseases, and thus save life.

80120 mm Hg The natural pressure rate in the body

This figure is the ideal number of natural pressure in the body, preferably measured periodically. Blood pressure is defined as the pressure that blood places on the internal walls of the arteries that flow through it, due to contraction and the expansion of the heart. Blood pressure is measured by two readings: the upper; known as systolic blood pressure, which represents the pressure resulting from the resistance of artery walls to blood flow during the heart palpitations, and the lower is expressed diastolic blood pressure, which represents the pressure in the heart’s blood between the pulses.

We then read the blood pressure readings in mmHg and its implications:

Read blood pressure Significance
120/80 Natural pressure
120/80 – 139/89 Pre-diagnosis with blood pressure
140/90 – 159-99 Blood Pressure Diagnosis (Phase I)
160/100 or more Blood Pressure Diagnosis (Phase II)

To prevent high blood pressure readings, follow these tips:

  • Reduce the amount of salt consumed.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Blood pressure control.
  • Exercise.
  • Eat a balanced diet.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.

101.6 and 88.9 cm measurement waist circumference

If waist circumference measurement is 88.9 cm or more for women and 101.6 cm or more for men, this means that the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and exposure to problems in the construction and demolition of the body , High blood pressure, and increased cholesterol readings.

It is important to know that measuring the waist circumference is easy and can be done in person, such as the person enclosing the waist area of ​​the waistband or string is not flexible, and then take the measurement of this tape by a meter.

18.5-25 kg / m 2 BMI

This figure denotes the body mass index (BMI), and the result of dividing a person’s weight on a square of its length. Weight gain leads to many health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and diabetes. Overweight puts the heart muscle on the back, making it a useful tool for determining weight problems.

reading Significance
Less than 18.5 Less than normal weight
18.5-25 Normal weight
26-30 Increase in weight
More than 30 Obesity

200 mg / dL. Useful cholesterol ratio

This figure represents the perfect reading of the beneficial cholesterol in the body. There are several types of cholesterol, and not all of them are harmful. It is considered to be one of the types of fat, which is another of the nutrients needed by the body. (HDL), LDL and triglycerides, which together represent the lipid profile, are shown in the table below. (Mg / dliter) Gelezah mg / dL) and their implications:

Type Natural reading
Total cholesterol 200
Cholesterol Beneficial HDL 50 or more for women

40 or more for men

LDL cholesterol 100 or less
Triglycerides Less than 150

Less than 6% cumulative diabetic hemoglobin rate

The normal HbA1c rate in people without diabetes is less than 6%, for diabetics the normal rate should be less than 7%, and for the readings that can be done through simple devices to measure the proportion Blood sugar For daily reading fasting blood glucose, the significance of these readings can be divided into the following table:

reading Significance
Less than 100 natural
100 – 125 Pre-diagnosis of diabetes
126 or more Diagnosis of diabetes

Factors affecting health

There are many psychological and physical factors that affect human health, and these factors have been classified into three sections:

  • Social and Economic Environment: Such as monthly income, the nature of the social and educational status of the community, the family, and the individual.
  • Physical environment: Such as the state of the area in which the person lives, the location of the surrounding areas, and the physical environment include the rates of pollution of the environment in which humans live, or their containment of germs (parasites).
  • Genetic and behavioral characteristics of the person: Including the genes that a person is born and carrying, the lifestyle he chooses, and the relationships he or she has with family or friends.
Referring to the World Health Organization (WHO), the better the economic situation and social status of individuals, the greater their chances of health, education and access to adequate health care. On the other hand, low-income individuals are more likely to experience stress and anxiety related to daily living conditions. Facing financial difficulties, marital disturbances and unemployment increases the risk of health problems. The organization has thus made it clear that people living in developed countries who have access to comprehensive health care increase life expectancy for people living in developing countries.