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Many people are looking for ways to regimens for health reasons or aesthetic reasons, but some do not know the correct methods of regimens as they may follow the wrong methods that harm the health and shape, there are nutrients that the body can not be dispensed with the loss of the body of these elements becomes tired and lazy and lazy and can not work His daily activities, as before, may cause anemia.

We will learn about the wrong methods that many follow to avoid and avoid:

  1. Do not eat basic meals (breakfast is the main meal of the body, lunch and dinner).
  2. Reduce the number of calories consumed per day to less than a thousand calories to get to the desired quickly.
  3. Eat one meal a day.
  4. A harsh diet that leads to the loss of many important elements of the body.
  5. Eat one type of food in unlimited amounts and keep it for long periods.
  6. Rice, bread and starches are removed from the daily menu because they are believed to lead to weight gain.
  7. Being a diet is a way to lose weight.
  8. It is believed that rapid methods of regimens lead to fat burning, but in this way we lose fluids, minerals and vitamins in this period because fat needs time to dissolve, break down and convert it into energy.
  9. Use smoking as a way to lose weight.

Healthy ways to follow a healthy diet

  1. Eat three basic diets.
  2. Eat vegetables and veggies when feeling hungry between meals.
  3. Minimize drinking soft drinks especially while eating.
  4. Exercising for at least half an hour a day helps to burn fat and sculpt the body.
  5. Minimize sweets as much as possible.
  6. Replace white bread with black bread.
  7. Eat a certain amount of salad with lunch because it feels full and provides the body with the amount of vitamins it needs.
  8. Avoid foods and fast foods full of fat and calories.
  9. Break the diet routine one day a week to eat whatever you crave but not in large quantities.
  10. Minimizing the intake of sodium, which works to hold fluid in the body, appears bloated by reducing the amount of salt.