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The bruise is defined as an injury to the body, and the result of collision of an area of ​​the body in a certain thing, but does not cause any injuries in the body, do not cause bleeding in the area, and can be treated in natural ways home, and in this article will identify some natural ways that That will treat the bruises of the foot.

Natural ways to treat foot bruises

Black pepper and spinach

This recipe is used by mixing a sufficient amount of ground black pepper powder with enough Vaseline, applying the resulting mixture to the bruises, with a good massage for five minutes using the fingertips, leaving it for about two hours, to dry completely, then remove it using a clean piece of Cotton, with the use of this treatment once a day, until the bruises disappear permanently.

Hazelnut oil

It is used by placing an appropriate amount of it on the affected areas, with rubbing lightly for five to ten minutes, and leave it for at least three hours continuous, to dry well, and then wash the bruise with lukewarm water and soap well, repeating the use of this recipe once Or twice a day.


The coffee contains many minerals and vitamins useful for bruising, and is used to grind a small amount of black coffee, applied to the affected areas, with a good massage for a short time using the fingertips, cover the foot with a bandage, leaving it for about an hour, and then rinsed with soap and water well.


Use this recipe by using a small amount of fresh sage leaves on the area of ​​bruising, and using it with a large towel or bandage, leave it for about half an hour, without touching it, and then rinse the foot with lukewarm water, and prefer to repeat this recipe once a day on a regular basis.

Liquid honey

Honey has a great role in the treatment of bruises, cleaning of all bacteria, dirt and bacteria accumulated in it, because it contains antioxidants and pure and disinfectant materials, so it is recommended to put enough of it on the affected areas, and left for about an hour, and then washed with water.

Medical treatment for foot bruises

  • If the bruising is simple, you can take up to forty days of rest, taking care to massage it permanently.
  • Use rubber bandages to connect the foot muscles.
  • Take anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Chlorate spray, which contributes to the contraction of blood vessels.
  • If the injury is severe, surgery is recommended before one month.
  • Light exercise after three months of healing the bruise of the foot.