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Crack the heel of the foot

Many women suffer from the problem of cracks in the heels due to many reasons, such as neglect of moisturizing and fluctuating weather, walking without wearing shoes, leading to dry skin and cracking, so many women resort to search for natural ways to get rid of cracked feet and without having to go to expensive beauty salons, In this article we will introduce you to some of these methods.

Methods of treatment of foot heel cracking

Lemon and glycerin mix

Put the amount of lukewarm water in a large bowl, add a little lemon juice, glycerin and rose water to it and mix well, put the feet in the pot for twenty minutes, continue rubbing the heels with a brush for the heels, and prepare a mixture of lemon juice, glycerin and rose water to paint the heels Using it, then wear the socks and leave them for a full night, then wash the feet with lukewarm water then, repeat this recipe more than once to get clear results.

Mix rice flour and honey

Put the feet in a vase of lukewarm water for 10 minutes, then put six teaspoons of rice flour in another pot, add a suitable amount of the dough with a little apple cider vinegar, mix well, and then add the cayenne oil.

Vegetable oil recipe

Wash the feet thoroughly and then dry them, then add them with enough vegetable oil, wear jurab, leave them for 12 hours, wash them with lukewarm water, and repeat the recipe more than once to get clear results.

Paraffin wax and coconut oil

Put a quantity of paraffin wax in a pot and heat until it melts, add a little coconut oil to it, leave it to cool, then put the feet on it before bedtime and leave it overnight, then wash the feet in the morning with lukewarm water.

Banana and avocado mix

Crush a piece of bananas with half a piece of avocado, mix them well, and heat the heels, leave them for 10 minutes, and then wash the feet with water.

Mix of Vaseline and Lemon

Wash the feet well and soak them in lukewarm water for 15 minutes, then prepare a mixture of Vaseline and lemon juice, mix a tablespoon of each, and cream the heels with the mixture, leave them for a whole night, wash it with soap and water, and repeat the recipe more than once to get clear results.

Sesame oil

Clove the heels with an appropriate amount of sesame oil, and leave them for 24 hours to get clear results.

Tips to get rid of foot heel cracking

  • Commitment to the cold of the heels to get rid of dead skin cells and prevent their accumulation.
  • Avoid walking without wearing shoes, and wear a special cotton jumper at night.
  • Dry the feet thoroughly after washing them.
  • To keep the fat on the feet with Vaseline for softening and tamping.