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The smell of the feet

It is the smell emanating from the feet as a result of sweating, and wear socks and shoes for a long time, and once washed, the smell immediately disappears, but if there are fungi and bacteria in the feet, it feeds on this race, and dead skin cells, causing a very unpleasant smell may not disappear until After washing the feet well, which is a health problem suffered by many people and upset them and cause them embarrassment especially when going out of the house, and often do not find the ointments and creams that they use useful, so we will mention in this article recipes and natural materials tried and effective, These are Problem.

Recipes to solve the problem of foot odor

Water and salt

The salt contains disinfectant and sterilized properties of the skin. It also prevents and eliminates the growth of bacteria and fungi. It is one of the main reasons for the smell of bad foot odor. This is done by placing half a cup of salt in a bowl filled with warm water, stirring well until it dissolves, About thirty minutes, taking care to apply the recipe twice a week as a minimum.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural substance known for its many benefits to the body. It contains effective antioxidants, curative properties, as well as its ability to fight bacteria and germs. All you need to do is place a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar in the bathtub, Hour, can also dip a ball of cotton in apple cider vinegar, and the feet are fat, wash them after fifteen minutes.


The carbonate contains natural disinfectants and yeast to remove bad odors and adjust the pH of the skin. To benefit from this, the feet should be soaked in water with a tablespoon of carbonate, and regular application of the recipe.

Preventive tips to avoid foot odor

  • Be careful to wear cotton socks, especially when you go out of the house for a long period of time, and do not wear it more than once.
  • Stay away from inexpensive shoes made of plastic, preferably from rough skin that does not stimulate unpleasant odors.
  • Avoid sharing the shoe with someone else.
  • Clean the feet with disinfectant soap and water, and dry well, fungi and bacteria live in humid places of the body, and use dry powder to prevent friction.
  • Place a spray of essential oils in the shoe, such as: lavender oil.
  • Ventilate the boot by placing it in the air, or under the sun after wearing it directly.