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Ginger is one of the most widely used herbs in the world. It is widely used in the preparation of cosmetics, thanks to its richness in many antibiotics, microbes, and oxidation. In addition to many vitamins such as: C, E, B), silicon, potassium, zinc and manganese. Although the importance of adult ginger should be used moderately, excessive use causes many damage to the body. It should be noted that the amount of ginger allowed in the day is four grams of powder ginger, Of the Negro Fresh or pieces, and exceed these ratios presents many health risks.

Ginger damage on the body

  • Increases the proportion of gastric acids in the stomach, thus causing heartburn, as it often inhibits digestion, and thus causes constipation.
  • Excessive belching, with the possibility of feeling the mouth.
  • Chewing ginger increases the likelihood of bowel obstruction, so it warns everyone who has an inflammation of the intestines, ulcers chewing ginger.
  • It causes an imbalance in the heart rate, due to its ability to raise blood pressure, thus causing an acceleration in the heartbeat.
  • Excessive pregnancy in the treatment of ginger exposes it to bleeding, as it may cause many damage to the fetus.
  • Reduces blood sugar, so diabetics control their blood sugar after eating sugar, so they should also avoid taking ginger because it is dangerous to their health.

Benefits of Ginger

  • Lowers the rate of harmful cholesterol in the body and thus provides prevention for the individual from heart disease and stroke, in addition to its ability to stimulate blood circulation, and get the benefit of these ginger are by either soaking the ginger in water, or drink boiled or juicy.
  • Wipe the body with a mixture of ginger oil and olive oil, after cleaning the hair reduces the appearance of hair forever, especially in sensitive areas.
  • Effective treatment for nausea thanks to its richness with vitamin B6, and it is able to absorb nausea quickly.
  • Reduces the chance of kidney failure.
  • Reduces the amount of gas in the abdomen, and it stimulates the liver to excrete the yellow juice, and stimulates the body to produce digestive enzymes, especially the enzyme Libyz, and facilitates and accelerate the process of digestion of fats and proteins.
  • Reduces the chance of cancer, and also reduces the growth of cancer cells, and is used in the treatment of uterine cancer.
  • Relieves the symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle, which reduces the level of hormone prostaglandin, and this hormone responsible for contractions of the uterus and cause pain.
  • Reduces pain and inflammation, which is a natural painkillers.