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Foot odor

The unpleasant and unpleasant smell of the foot is a very common problem among people. It also causes the person to embarrass himself and cause discomfort to other people. There is no doubt that the main reason for this is due to the sweat of foot in these shoes. The most common areas where the thyroid gland is present are the feet and hands, compared with the remaining parts of the body.

The process of preventing and controlling the presence of sweat is very difficult, but with good care and continuous foot and shoe together, one can get clean feet and completely free of any unpleasant smell; first care should be taken to the foot so as not to excrete sweat, and then pick the right shoe.

Steps to get rid of the smell of foul shoes

  • Wash the feet daily: to keep the foot clean, by washing them with a little warm water with good soap, to get rid of all the dirt, bacteria and sweat that causes the smell, should be washed at least twice a day, taking into consideration good washing around the nails and between the toes Foot care and cleaning are important, because they are an important part of the body, where there are few people who ignore it.
  • Peeling the feet: When you get rid of the dead skin residue, this helps to reduce the bad smell of the feet and shoes together, so it is recommended to make a mixture for the peeling of the feet, or using the stone for foot, when getting clean feet, it works to reduce the growth of one Bacteria, in addition to constantly moisturizing the feet, by using some essential oils such as lavender or peppermint, to help kill all odors; moisturizes the feet stay soft.
  • Keep the feet dry: bacteria live and multiply in humid areas and are suitable for growth, so the feet should be washed well, and then dried completely.
  • Wear proper stockings: Choose suitable stockings as they will help to prevent the appearance of bad smell again. When wearing closed shoes without socks this will make the smell worse and faster, in addition to wearing new socks and not to repeat wearing socks more than once, prefer When choosing the socks be normal and also cottony.
  • Spray your shoe with a special powder: until you get rid of all the contents in it and resist it, or by using a little baking soda, and put it in the shoe, until you absorb all the unpleasant smells.