ホーム » ボディケア » 体にとっての野菜の利点



Many people have recently tended to eat junk food based mainly on saturated fat and complex carbohydrates because of their delicious taste and quick preparation, which later causes serious health problems such as heart disease, arterial blockages, high cholesterol, and some cancers.

Healthy nutrition experts always encourage people to include vegetables of all kinds within their diet. As a healthy food, the benefits are harmless. Vegetables of all kinds are rich in many basic minerals such as iron, calcium, folate, potassium and magnesium, and a high proportion of vitamins such as vitamin C (C, A, B complex), and vegetables contain antioxidants, and a large amount of plant fiber is very useful for the health of the digestive system, and we must mention here as low fat and calories, and completely free of harmful cholesterol in the Cm.

Benefits of vegetables for the body

  • Most types of vegetables help improve digestion, soften the intestine, fight constipation, and expel gases from the abdomen, because they contain a high percentage of plant fiber.
  • Vegetable helps to lose excess weight and fight obesity. Because fiber helps to feel full, and not to eat more, it helps rid the body of accumulated toxins, improves metabolism and burns calories and fat.
  • Vegetables fight against the growth and spread of cancerous tumors, and prevent them from happening, because they are rich in fiber and antioxidants that inhibit the penetration of free radicals in the body, which helps to prevent cancer of the stomach and colon.
  • Preventing diabetes and some heart disease and atherosclerosis; because it is free of harmful cholesterol, in comparison to contain a high proportion of cholesterol beneficial.
  • Vegetables are reduced by high blood pressure because they contain high potassium, which removes the body from harmful sodium salts, and prevents the formation of kidney stones, gallbladder and urinary system.
  • Vegetables help to strengthen the bones and prevent the incidence of fragility in adults, and rickets in young people, because they contain calcium, potassium, vitamin D and magnesium.
  • Vegetables treat anemia as anemia, especially because green leafy vegetables contain a high percentage of iron, folate and vitamin C, which increases the absorption of iron found in other foods.
  • Vegetables increase immune system performance and reduce the risk of colds, flu and colds.
  • Vegetables improve the health of the skin and delay the appearance of signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and dehydration, because they contain antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients and water. They make the skin glowing moist and youthful.
  • Prevent vegetables from fatigue and chronic weakness, as well as give the body vital and activity, and fights the feeling of human anxiety, and get rid of the depression of the existence of some compounds that feed the body; vitamin C, potassium and iron.
  • Strengthens the eyesight, and protects against other eye diseases such as night and macular degeneration because they contain a high percentage of vitamin A.