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It is common practice in people to resort to drugs and painkillers for the treatment of muscle tension and body cramps and pain, but the body massage of the best treatments for pain, not just sedation, and can do this massage at home without having to go to treatment centers and pay large amounts, The members also feel comfortable and relaxed by clicking on the body either using hands or using special machines.

How body massage works

Take a warm bath before starting massage to make your body more prepared and then dry well and then bring massage oil to work massage using it gives better results.

  • Neck and shoulder massage: If you feel a headache in your head or pain in your neck, just do a simple massage. Put your right fingers behind your left ear, start gently with a circular motion, and continue to massage down the left side of the neck and left shoulder. Using the fingers of the left hand.
  • Facial Massager: Apply a little cream from the top of the nose to the far side of the forehead, slightly from the bottom of the mouth to the bottom of the jaws, and from the sides of the nose to the maximum of the cheeks, and then start the massage process in a circular manner in each area on the end and gently, the facial massage works to stimulate blood circulation and the feeling of recovery and avoid The face of the wrinkles, relieves tension.
  • Hand massage: Press the fingers of your right hand on your left wrist and continue to massage in a circular motion and then gradually move with continuous massage to the fingers, and the same way with the right hand, hand massage renews activity and reduces the cold and relieve pain and tension and increases the energy and extend the muscles of the hands.
  • Belly Massage: The abdominal massage is very good in relieving its various pains, especially the pains of the menstrual cycle. It is also useful for ease of digestion. Put your fingers on the abdomen and massage gently with circular motion. Repeat the process in all parts of the abdomen. This massage relaxes the muscles of the abdomen and intestines and activates the liver, stomach and kidneys. Helps eliminate fat and thus remove rashes and lose weight.
  • Back Massage: Bring a medium sized ball between your back and one of the walls of the room and then move from top to bottom. This is very useful in increasing muscle flexibility, eliminating muscular tension, removing various back pain, and back massage also treating chronic back pain.
  • Foot Massage: Start with a massage from the toes until you reach the ankle in nice circular movements, then move to the soles of the foot and massage it part by thumb from the fingers to the ankle, use the same method with the other foot.

Thus, we have done a massage for the entire body without any cost or effort, and do not forget to keep working on massages at frequent intervals to maintain your body activity and avoid inactivity and muscle pain and others, and it is important to observe the massage of the body directly than the massage above the clothes to give effectiveness Larger.