ホーム » ボディケア » 膝の黒さを取り除く方法


The darkening of the knee and the appearance of the knee in dark color is a big problem for women, especially if the problem begins to appear in early times, especially if the color of the skin white, it will increase anxiety, in addition to not be able to choose specific clothes for wearing such as shorts or other clothing, , Because this problem, which is the blackness of the knees caused embarrassment and shame because of the appearance of non-granular and decent, which leads to the appearance of women inappropriate.

Many women are looking for treatments to eliminate the problem of blackening the knee. Some women use natural remedies and traditional recipes to get rid of the problem of blackening the knee. Some women use creams and resort to medical methods to get rid of the problem. Women have the desired outcome after treatment, due to lack of attention to the factors that led to the occurrence of blackness in the knee, as the lack of vitamin A very affect the area of ​​the knee and cause blackness, in addition to the knee area drought due to lack of Which causes the accumulation of dead skin layers and dirt in the knee area causing the appearance of blackening of the knee.

Methods to get rid of blackness of knees

  1. Mix two cups of black sugar with half a cup of olive oil and a quarter cup of honey, stirring the ingredients well. This recipe should be used twice a week after bathing and drying the knee area. Massage the mixture with circular movements for 10 minutes and then rinse. The area of ​​the knees is only water, which helps to get rid of the dead skin and work on exfoliating skin.
  2. This recipe can be used very effectively and easily, consisting of Vaseline, Cocoa Butter, Sugar, and Olive Oil, where before sleeping put the amount of Vaseline Cocoa butter on the knee area and must wear long pants so as not to get dirty bed, and after waking the knees are washed Massage the area using olive oil mixed with sugar, and continue this process for two consecutive weeks.
  3. Using lemon directly on the knees, it is very useful to give a beautiful appearance and skin shiny because of the vitamins that contain, and is used by the age of half a lemon and put on the knee using cotton, and must be clean, and after the absorption of the amount of lemon area is washed with water only A moisturizing cream or Vaseline is applied.
  4. Mix an equal amount of glycerol with olive oil, where the mixture is applied daily on the knees.