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Washing or ablution in the Islamic religion is the immersion of the body with pure water, which is one of the most important rules for maintaining the cleanliness of the body and the rules of purity, and ablution is obligatory or permissible or desirable, and God urged in his book on the purity of the body and make it obligatory and a condition of health to perform acts of worship such as prayer and pilgrimage , God said in his dear book: (Allah loves those who repent and loves the defiled) [Al-Baqarah: 222].

Types of washing

Washing the duty

  • Exit semen from male or female to sleep or wake up.
  • Intercourse, which is called the biggest event, the Almighty said in his dear book: (And if you were Fatwa) [The table: 6].
  • The end of the days of menstruation or menstrual cycle, as well as the end of the days of puerperal, and the interruption of the descent of blood and is called menstruation and puerperal event smaller.
  • Wash the deceased.

Washing is desirable

  • On Friday before going to Friday prayers, washing in this day is a sure year for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
  • On the day of Eid before going to perform the Eid prayer.
  • When Ihram is the structure of Hajj or Umrah.
  • After washing the deceased.

Washing is permissible

The permissible washing is achieved through the correct method of ablution in order to achieve the cleanliness of the body or to feel cold on a hot day.

How to wash the duty

When the Sunnah is to do ablution in one of two ways either either the washing is complete or the washing is a fragment and each of its method and conditions.

Full washing

It is narrated that ‘Aa’ishah, the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), said that if he was washed from janaabah, he started to wash his hands, then do wudoo’ as he did wudoo ‘for prayer and then he entered his fingers in the water, The roots of his hair then pour three rooms on his head with his hands, then the water pours over his entire skin. These are the steps of complete washing as follows:

  • I should wash for purity.
  • Wash your hands three times.
  • Wash your left hand with your left hand and clean it thoroughly.
  • Wudoo ‘and light the prayer without washing the feet.
  • Let the water permeate the roots of the hair and wash it three times.
  • Wash your whole body starting with the right side and then the left side and the rest of the body.
  • Wash your feet.

Partial washing

  • I do ghusl in order to purify.
  • Wash all parts of your body with water.
  • Rinse.
  • inhale.

Conditions of water used in ablution

  • It is not permissible to wash with unclean water.
  • The water should be pure, not mixed with anything like salt or sugar.
  • The water is allowed to be non-grated or stolen.