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Get the ideal weight and health

The weight of the human body is usually influenced by the daily habits of the person, whether in eating habits, exercise, or even negative thoughts, depending on the nature of the human body. Each person has the nature of a particular body. Weight appropriate for the length of the body of men or women, to start attention, and necessary to increase or reduce the weight as needed.


Body mass index (BMI) is defined as one of the methods used to determine the body’s weight, which is healthy and ideal for height, depending on weight and height. The weight increase in height is usually indicated to increase body fat, and the body may be exposed to health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. And different women for adults who are over the age of twenty as follows:

  • Weight loss: Less than 18.5.
  • Natural weight: 18.5-24.9.
  • Increase in weight: 25-29.9.
  • Obesity or obesity: 30 or more.

The method of calculating the ideal weight

The ideal weight can be calculated depending on length and gender by the following equation:

  • Man’s ideal weight = 22 x (height in meters) ².
  • The ideal weight for women = 22 × (height in meters – 10 cm) ².

BMI problems

BMI is the method used to determine if the weight of a woman’s or man’s body is healthy and ideal. This is the way most doctors and nurses in the world follow, but the problem of this method is that it will not be the most appropriate way to measure the body mass index of certain people such as people playing iron They will naturally have a high mass index due to their mass of muscles, as do older people who lose part of their muscle mass because of their age.