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Garlic vinegar

Garlic is known as one of the strongest plants resistant to disease, and is characterized by cheap prices and availability of accessible to all, garlic is a herb of the species of Lily and the oldest plants on this land, and some of the derivatives of garlic with chemical properties and ability to prevent clots.

Preparation of garlic vinegar for slimming

To prepare garlic vinegar we need:

  • Pint of white vinegar or apple and add 20 cloves of garlic mashed.
  • The mixture is placed in a glass or plastic container and left in the refrigerator for about 10 days without being opened.
  • We work on the vinegar on the tenth day, then return the juice to the refrigerator for two days, and after the expiration of this time the mixture is ready to use.

Benefits of Garlic Garlic

It is common to know that Garlic Garlic plays a major role in lowering blood pressure and reducing sugar levels. It also has benefits on the health of the heart, arteries, and the ability to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood by up to 16% and increase the level of cholesterol beneficial to the body, This recipe is very effective in dissolving fat and breaking the calcified limestone and increase the flexibility of arteries and veins, working on:

  • Reduce blood pressure levels.
  • Protect the heart from clots.
  • Regenerating body cells.
  • Increase the thickness of the arteries and intestines.
  • Protection from angina.
  • Strengthen eyes if used moderately.
The maintenance of garlic vinegar is a practical way to fight cancer, treat colds and cold, and it is a good regulator of heart beat, protects garlic vinegar from arthritis, and is effective treatment of neurological disorders and inflammation.

Tips on eating garlic

  • Do not take advantage of garlic if not cut.
  • Eating too much garlic is unhealthy for the eyes.
  • Garlic causes the milk to spoil the mother’s milk.
  • Eating apples and mint leaves after eating garlic smells.
  • Excessive intake of garlic causes pregnancy abortion.
  • Avoid eating garlic with aspirin tablets.

Benefits and uses of garlic

  • Analgesic for rheumatism and gum problems.
  • Treatment of dandruff problems.
  • Treatment of rotten wounds.
  • Treatment of scabies, and a son is useful for the treatment of skin infections.
  • Strengthen the body’s immunity.
  • Garlic protects against malaria, bird flu and typhus.
  • It protects diabetics from diabetes, dysfunction of circulation and impaired memory.
  • Addressing disorders caused by smoking.
  • A killer of intestinal worms when taken in the morning on the stomach.