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Weight loss

Thinness causes health problems no less serious than those caused by obesity. They reduce the body’s energy and cause a constant feeling of tiredness. The person is unable to perform his normal daily tasks. In most cases, the person who suffers from thinness becomes more exposed to the lack of vitamins. Minerals, and other important nutrients for your body’s health, so it’s best to consult a dietitian to find the right diet to treat thinness, especially if accompanied by a lack of important nutrients to the body to treat these important elements of the body.

Causes of low weight

Before weight gain, it is necessary to know the reasons leading to thinness and the most important:

  • Do not eat enough meals during the day.
  • Eat meals at very spaced intervals during the day.
  • Do not choose healthy and useful foods.
  • Do daily tasks and increase physical effort without increasing the amount of food leading to a lack of energy.
  • There is a problem with the absorption of food and may be due to a disease or health problems such as a defect in hormones, or disorder of appetite, or cancer.
  • Not feeling hungry.
  • Thyroid disorder.
  • Psychological causes such as depression or anxiety and others.

Tips for gaining weight

These are the most important steps and tips that help to gain weight for those who do not suffer from diseases and health problems, namely:

  • Eat three main meals during the day, plus two or three snacks between meals, preferably drink milk or fresh juices with meals or between them to increase calories in the body.
  • Refrain from drinking water before eating and reduce drinking between meals so as not to lose appetite.
  • Reduce the intake of foods that contain unsaturated fats, because they raise the level of insulin in the blood.
  • Avoid eating vegetables and fruits that contain amounts of water such as watermelon, orange and squash.
  • The need to gain weight gradually, as getting 500 calories a day increases the weight by five kilograms per week.
  • Take enough rest every day and sleep for enough hours.
  • Exercising to speed up metabolism, this makes the body needs more calories and therefore need to eat in larger quantities.

Foods that help to gain weight

The following is a list of the most important foods that increase weight:

  • Eggs: It is one of the most important foods rich in protein for body health and weight gain in addition to containing vitamins A, D, and H
  • Natural fruit juice: Contains beneficial sugars that increase weight.
  • Oats: Because it contains good quiches of fiber.
  • Peanut butter: One tablespoon contains 100 calories, 4 grams of protein, folic acid, magnesium, vitamin E and vitamin B3, as well as a good protein content.
  • Dried fruits: They contain five to eight times more calories than fresh fruit, so they are foods that increase weight. For example, calories for a cup of raisins are up to 460 calories.
  • Yogurt: Yogurt contains about 118 calories.
  • Whole wheat bread: One piece of bread contains about 69 calories, and the whole wheat bread is rich in fibers and minerals that do not contain white bread.
  • Full-fat milk: Contains vitamin A, vitamin D, as well as it contains 60 calories.
  • Meat: Meat of all types is the most important sources of protein, so it is important to increase weight and access to the body of important nutrients, but must be removed from fat before eating to avoid the damage caused by these fats.
  • Cheese: Cheese contains good proportions of protein, calcium and cholesterol useful, and in one piece about 69 calories
  • Olive oil: It is a healthy foods that help to gain weight, and contains one tablespoon of the 120 calories, in addition to 14 grams of fat, and can be added to many of the main dishes as well as authorities.
  • Vegetable oils: such as coconut oil and peanut oil, are all good for heart health and moderate in calories.
  • Nuts: They are full of fat and fiber, and are considered snack and useful; they reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Starches such as maize, carrots and potatoes are all high in protein, fiber and vitamin C.
  • Thick fruits: such as mangoes, pineapples, bananas and apples, each containing about 100 calories.

Food dishes for weight gain

Mashed potatoes

Potatoes contain a high carbohydrate content, high calorie content, high vitamin A and C, and antioxidants important to strengthen immunity. This recipe is prepared by boiling or roasting potatoes and then mashing them.
Mashed potatoes can be eaten as an appetizer or added to the salad, and can be added to the vegetable butter or cream for cooking.

Oat soup

Oats have a high nutritional value. They contain a high percentage of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium and copper. The amount of calories in the oatmeal soup is about 200 calories, so it gives the body high energy and can be prepared with the addition of chicken breasts Butter or cream, as well as mushrooms and parsley. All these foods are rich in calories, proteins and fiber, so this soup is heavy and useful for those who suffer from thinness.


We have already mentioned that eggs contain a high percentage of protein that has a role in weight gain, and prepare egg omelet either in the normal way or by adding some spices, or vegetables such as parsley or parsley or spinach, can add mashed potatoes or cheese, and the number of calories In egg omelets with no additions to 100 calories.

Snacks for weight gain

One of the following meals can be taken as a snack to gain weight:

  • Sandwiches of peanut butter.
  • A cup of whole-fat milk with a piece of biscuit contains peanut butter.
  • A cup of milk, 175 grams, mixed with fruit, and a few grains of raisins.
  • A glass of milk mixed with chocolate.