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What are the fruits that increase weight

Fruit and weight gain

Many people may follow tips and methods to lose weight, but there are also people who want to gain weight. There may be products and drugs that do the job, but they cause side effects that may be harmful to health, so eating some types of fruit for weight gain is the best option, Here we will talk about the types of fruit that increase weight.

Fruit produces the development of ovary flowering plants. And there are some vegetables that are originally carrying the characteristics of fruit such as pepper and eggplant, as there are fruit bearing the characteristics of fruits and vegetables at the same time as tomatoes, and because the fruit contains fructose it is possible to make the body gaining extra weight, Fructose also reduces the response of insulin after eating meals and thus less secretion.

Fruits that increase weight

Here are the types of fruit that increase weight:

  • Avocado: Unlike other fruits, they contain high calories, so they help to gain weight. In the 200 grams of avocado, there are about 322 calories, 29 grams of fat and 17 grams of fiber. Vitamins and minerals, can be taken separately, or added to different dishes.
  • the banana: It contains high calories, and helps bananas to improve the production of hemoglobin, and thus is one of the best options for weight gain with the benefit of healthy calories.
  • Dried fruits: Such as raisins, almonds, walnuts and cashews, all of which contain high calories, in addition to antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, also contain a large amount of dietary fiber, can be eaten this toaster fruit as it may come salty or sweet.
  • Mango: It can increase weight if eaten regularly, it is rich in calories.
  • Figs: It is one of the most effective fruit in weight gain, so it should be eaten daily and can be taken by adding it to the salad dishes to make it more delicious.
  • Grapes: It is best to eat fresh grapes daily for weight gain, where the glass of grapes contains 104 calories, which gives the body an increase in weight.
  • dates: Each of the 100 grams of dates contains 277 calories. Most of these calories are absorbed, which promotes weight gain. Besides carbohydrates and dietary fiber, dates give the body many vitamins and minerals needed for health, preferably between 8-10 pills per day To gain weight.
  • Coconut: Where they can be eaten fresh or dried, each containing 1 ounce of coconut fruit on 18.3 grams of fat, and it is high in calories, providing about 187 calories for the body, as well as it is rich in sugar, so it is possible that Be the ideal fruit to gain weight, can eat coconut juice to get the desired weight also.

Tips when eating fruit to gain weight

Eating fruits alone does not increase the weight properly, so you should eat other foods as well as fruits that increase weight, to get the weight required, in addition to get extra calories for the required daily calories, in order to gain weight, it is better to get half This value of fruits as well as eating foods rich in protein and other nutrients, here are some tips to be done to increase weight through eating fruits:

  • Eat fruits that contain high vitamin C, orange, kiwi, lemon and tomatoes.
  • Eat fruits that contain B vitamins of all kinds, so that the body tissues grow properly, and this fruit orange, banana and avocado.
  • Rich fruit intake of zinc, where zinc helps in the muscle building process and protection from problems that may be exposed to, as well as accelerating the healing, these include fruit pomegranate, avocado and fruit blackberries.
For an integrated diet to increase weight, natural fruit juice should be added to the system. It contains extra minerals along with high calorie. Chilled juices can be mixed with chocolates, peanut butter or yoghurt to increase interest, as well as higher calorie intake. Thermal.

Some foods that increase weight

You can gain weight by eating certain foods other than fruits, including:

  • the pasta: They are high-calorie meals and can be prepared in many ways.
  • Whole milk: It not only works on weight gain, it contains many vitamins, most notably vitamin A, and D, and can add milk to whole grains to get the highest percentage of calories.
  • Bread and cereals: It is often eaten at the breakfast table, and is a good source to start today with carbohydrates that keep the body active.
  • Peanut Butter: It is rich in calories, and the slice of bread with peanut butter contains about 190 calories, and peanut butter contains magnesium, vitamin B3, and vitamin E.