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There are many factors that affect the weight, either increase or decrease, and it is known that the types of foods consumed by the human daily and the amount of weight significantly affect the weight, yet there is no specific vitamin can be allocated to overweight children or adults; Vitamins are the determining factor in how much weight, stability or lack of weight, in accordance with the daily physical activity of the person, so choose one of the types of vitamins or some groups to gain weight should be under the supervision of the doctor to obtain appropriate awareness and ensure the He agreed with the health situation.

Vitamins for weight gain for adults


Iron vitamin is taken in many cases of underweight or wasting, for its great benefit in modifying the levels of proteins and enzymes in the body, a natural mineral that helps to cure diseases of anemia and thinness, in addition to its useful in maintaining the muscle mass of the body.


Magnesium is used to increase energy production in the body, which allows muscle building and weight gain healthy, as well as it helps to treat the nerves, which lead to problems to lose weight mainly.

Different vitamins

Typically, multivitamin groups are commonly prescribed to treat weight loss in adults and young people, mainly iron and magnesium, as well as other groups of supplements. The method of selecting a vitamin group is due to a physician or pharmacist.


Creatine is the most popular dietary supplement that helps increase muscle mass and weight among athletes, because it is absorbed directly from the muscles that give it the ability to exert more effort, which means doubling its mass in a short time with vigorous exercise, and can get the natural creatine from White meat and fish of all kinds. It is also sold in pharmacies and sporting goods outlets in the form of quick absorbent powder. It should be noted that the use of creatine is subject to regular exercise.


The lack of zinc in the body leads to an imbalance of the senses of smell and taste, which causes loss of appetite and low weight, and eating foods rich in zinc or zinc pills to open appetite and restore the ability to eat for people who suffer from that situation, and determine the doctors daily dose needed The body of the zinc element is nine milligrams for women and eleven for men. Zinc is also found naturally in seafood, nuts and dairy products.