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Yeast pills are used in the manufacture of many nutritional supplements, and are in the form of pills taken orally, and it is credited to the health of the hair and protect it from bombardment and fall, as taken to maintain the health of nails and freshness of the face, and treatment of the symptoms of aging and hyper-thinness.

Benefits of Yeast Pills

Food and the elements involved are varied in the composition of the yeast are considered rich in vitamins, proteins, material thiamine, and Alripovlven, and material chromium which is the same used in the treatment of diabetes It has the ability to modify blood sugar levels, and it is also rich in elements of calcium and phosphorus, all this has made beer yeast the most appropriate solution for all those who wish to overcome thin and earn a kilo extra grams disease, and do not forget the iron element, and amino acids rich in them are dealt with patients with anemia, and get rid skin of acne scars resulting from it, as it helps the person to sleep deeply, and ease The effects of epilepsy, mood improvement.

How to use yeast pills

There are many ways to use yeast depending on the shape they are in either be in the form of circular tablets or may be in the form of powder, and the way to eat yeast available in the form of tablets, it is through the eating of two of them after each meal are taken after breakfast, Lunch and dinner. If you suffer from extreme thinness, you can eat three tablets after each meal instead of two tablets. The yeast available in the form of powder can be taken by taking two small spoons after the main meals, and maintaining the yeast will increase both weight and mass Muscular body.


Despite the benefits of yeast pills and rich in nutrients, but warns of the use of all, especially pregnant women and lactating children and all who suffer from skin infections, and eating yeast pills for the first time causes headaches, dizziness and stomach upset, Yeast is very useful for skin and plays a large role in the elimination of thinness and increase the mass of the body. It is worth mentioning that eating yeast pills alone is not enough and does not achieve the desired results in weight gain, so it must be addressed with a healthy diet and integrated, Preferably under the supervision of the doctor and consulted.