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Increase weight and open appetite

Common problems between both sexes are the excess weight and appetite that is always open to eating, but these problems are the desire that some dream of achieving, especially the groups that suffer from excess thinness and lack of appetite, with constant attempts to gain weight and appetite to eat but without any Interestingly, nutritionists have studied this problem and sought effective solutions that enable the individual to get an open appetite for different types of food, which provides him with a reasonable increase in weight towards natural levels.

Ways to gain weight and open appetite

For those who are forced to gain weight and get an open appetite adhere to the following ways to achieve it:

Breakfast is healthy

We often hear that breakfast is the most important meal a person has to eat during the day, because it gives the body the energy to start the day with vitality and activity, while stimulating the work of metabolism in the body which helps in opening the appetite during the hours of the day, Check that you have whole grains, yoghurt, fresh fruit or juice, as well as add one or more foods rich in healthy fats to breakfast, such as peanut butter.

Healthy and multiple meals

The division of main meals into several meals during the day helps in not quickly reaching a full state, which helps to keep the appetite open for longer, while eating several meals a day. The food intake is greater Large meals and saturated, with the need to search for foods that include enough calories and healthy health; such as bananas, nuts, cheese and pastries, or snacks such as chips and others can not be considered a full meal.

Light-hearted foods

It is important to focus on eating foods that help to open the appetite for increased weight gain, which is as follows:

  • Tomato, helps tomatoes digest carbohydrates and meat, which helps to feel hungry within a short time and the desire to eat.
  • Eggplant, despite being an appetizer, has little nutritional value, so it is best to eat it with rice or starches.
  • Onions, helps to open the appetite and increase the intestines ability to digest food.
  • Green salad, contains many substances that lead to increased secretions responsible for digestion.
  • Dates and yogurt, by taking them together to get the maximum benefit from them.
  • Dip the ring and anise, preferably drink half an hour before eating.