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How to get rid of obesity

Definition of obesity

Is the accumulation of excess fat for food energy consumed over the food energy expenditure (necessary for the body), leading to disease.

Where he suffers a lot of obesity, which can be considered a disease of the era because of the negative effects on the health of the physical and psychological, and people become obese due to several reasons:

  1. Eating while watching TV.
  2. Eat plenty of high-fat foods such as chocolates, meat and nuts.
  3. Do not exercise with foods that cause obesity.
  4. Binge: An uncontrollable situation in the ingestion of large amounts of food.
  5. Genetic causes.
  6. Psychological causes.
  7. Take some drugs that cause obesity such as drugs containing cortisone.
  8. Sleep after eating direct meals.
  9. Increase the secretion of the hormone insulin, which leads to the accumulation of fat and non-disposal.

Obesity causes some diseases

  1. Heart disease, arteriosclerosis and blockage of arteries.
  2. Severe pain in the joints and bones.
  3. Frequent injury to severe headaches due to lack of oxygen in the blood.
  4. Diabetes and stress.

How to get rid of obesity:

  1. Eat vegetables and fruits because they do not contain fewer calories and help to feel full.
  2. Reduce the intake of foods containing fat such as chocolate, nuts and other substances.
  3. The performance of sport every day for at least an hour leading to the elimination of obesity and the activation of blood circulation.
  4. Eat water before eating to increase the feeling of satiety.
  5. Eat slowly until a person feels that he has eaten a large amount and satiated the opposite of eating in a quick way the person feels that he did not eat a large amount and therefore eat more.
  6. Minimize the intake of foods that contain carbohydrates.
  7. Drinking two cups of green tea a day is a loss of about two kilos per month.
  8. Eat five meals a day, provided they are light and not oily.
  9. Replace white bread with brown bread.
  10. Hours of sleep can be replaced by hours of sleep so that the person does not feel hungry.
  11. Keep away from all sugars as much as possible.