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How to increase your weight in Ramadan

Working to maintain a healthy and appropriate weight of the hard things for many people that require a firm commitment and a sincere desire to maintain a healthy weight and lean strength for the performance of business and life in a natural way without the difficulties that can be faced in cases of increase or Weight loss below the normal limit.

And the month of Ramadan, which imposed on Muslims fasting every year is an opportunity to get closer to God Almighty and increase adherence to his religion and invoke the spirit of God and always reverence and submission to the Almighty, and desirable in Ramadan, many of the worships of worship and pray and read the Koran, And in the last ten days I’tikaaf in the mosque following the year of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him. And weight gain in Ramadan that way is not available or desirable for most people, because the abundance of food as mentioned in the impact of things that distract from the male, a slave who wants to pray and night and the sense of weakness and weakness before God Almighty will not eat much of course. But in cases where a person needs to gain weight in order to improve the state of health, in that case, being overweight is one of the gifts that God rewarded with the best reward, because when a person preserves his body and cares for the ability to obey God And the reconstruction of the land is the satisfaction of God Almighty in the first place.

In order for a person to gain weight during the month of Ramadan by working to improve the quality of life and food he is eating, the regular sleep of things that help to gain weight without storing large amounts of fat, and exercise during the month of Ramadan of the most things that increase Of health and fitness, so it is desirable to go to one of the clubs to exercise bodybuilding during this hair, and for food, it must provide the body with the necessary nutrients to build muscle in the first place, so should be more frequent eating animal and plant proteins in each meal, with Drink a lot Banana milk and eating dates with milk at breakfast and suhur. And to work to gain weight in a fast and healthy way and keep the muscles at the same time without harm.