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Weight loss is a real problem for many people, and may be the main problem in their lives, so those who want to lose weight and fat burning are always looking for the best and best ways to lose weight and get the desired results, there is no way to help lose weight quickly and There is no difficult way for anyone, if the will is strong and there is a determination to improve the appearance of the body there will be positive results in a good time.

Ways to get rid of excess weight

Excess weight occurs for two reasons, namely: food, the amount of calories consumed, lack of exercise and lack of activity, and therefore lose weight quickly must address the reasons for the emergence of weight.

Change of diet

  • Commitment to breakfast: is one of the most important meals for humans; they prevent weight gain, because the body in the morning needs to have enough calories to burn it and this is provided by breakfast.
  • Stay away from fatty foods: These foods contain high proportions of fat and the most famous meat; they cause an increase in cholesterol and accumulation of fat in the body, and cause damage to the heart and blockage of the arteries.
  • Stay away from fast food and ready: Mostly all overweight people like fast food; they are very dangerous because they contain high rates of calories and also high cholesterol, must be cut off completely.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables: It is always recommended to eat fruits and vegetables before any meal; they feel the body full and unwilling to eat large amounts of food, and also contain high ratios of fiber that improve digestion and reduce cholesterol in the blood.
  • Drink plenty of water: It is known that water has many benefits for the body, especially for overweight people, because the water works to burn fat and fill the stomach, and feel you do not want to eat more food, and therefore must drink water at least between 2-4 liters per day .


After following the previous guidelines on diet, the role of sport in the process of burning fat and tighten the body and get rid of the body sluggish, and the most important of these sports are:

  • Bodybuilding: This sport significantly helps to get rid of fat in the muscles and is based on burning, and therefore can exercise three to four days a week for only 45 minutes, and also has the benefit of the body and give the beauty of the muscles and amplify; it is the most suitable sport to get the body Slim.
  • Walking and jogging: This sport can be exercised if there is no time to perform weight lifting in the gym; it contributes to burning fat and also eliminate laziness and lethargy that cause the emergence of excess weight, and can be performed daily for at least half an hour, preferably a full hour if possible during the day .