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Many people nowadays suffer from excess weight and accumulation of fat in different areas of the body. The current era is characterized by the development of transport means significantly, which led to the inaction of the human movement and sit for long periods in front of the office and television and dependence on meals in his food *

Weight gain and obesity are divided into two parts: Obesity in women, which appear in the form of accumulation of fat around the thighs and hip, and obesity of the apple that afflicts men when fat accumulates in the abdomen and upper body. This type of obesity is associated with heart disease and angina And high arterial pressure * Because of the possible damage to obesity, we will touch on this subject to talk about ways and tips for slimming *

Methods for slimming

The excess weight must be eliminated in order to maintain the health and appearance of the person, and methods of weight loss and slimming:

  • Changing the habits of the food used by the person who is obese where you should choose the type of food beloved to the person in appropriate quantities, because the goal of the diet is starving and harming the body, but is burning fat.
  • Drink adequate amounts of water in order to detoxify the body and act to stimulate blood circulation in the body.
  • Eat calories in proportion to physical activity and the body’s ability to burn fat, because the direct cause of fat is the entry of calories to the body more than what is burned.
  • Make sure that there is not one type of diet fits all. Each body has a specific diet that corresponds to the length of the person and genetic factors and health status.
  • Eat a healthy diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and low-calorie foods, and avoids calorie-filled meals and foods high in carbohydrates and fat.
  • The intake of foods containing table salt should be minimized, because sodium works to retain fluid in the body *
  • Exercising continuously on a daily basis, walking every day for half an hour leads to burning 300 calories, and the sport of the rope is moving all the muscles of the body, but attention must be paid to choosing the appropriate sport for the person who is injured according to the state of health and age.
  • Use some plants that lead to fat burning like green tea.
  • In some advanced cases that do not benefit diet or exercise, in which obesity affects the life of the person can resort to surgery under the supervision of medical specialist, such as stomach balloon, which works to fill the stomach and feeling full, and the process of gastric bypass surgery by making the size of the stomach appears Smaller than in the past, in addition to liposuction.