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Ways to lose weight quickly

The dream of every person, whether a man or a woman is to reach the ideal weight and required away from overweight and obesity and the problems that cause mental and physical health, obesity is one of the things that lead to self-confidence due to embarrassment and discomfort of inappropriate appearance in addition to the associated health damage For obesity, such as heart disease and blockage of the arteries, which causes diseases of the body we are indispensable, once you lose weight and get a proper weight avoid all of this by simply following some simple tips that may cause change our life and unhealthy style to a healthy method in a short time .

Ways to lose weight quickly

  • Trying to drink more water at a rate of two liters or eight cups a day because the water helps to feel fullness and fullness, especially before eating meals.
  • Divide the three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) into more than three meals, for example, to five meals. Eat in each meal a small amount of food instead of eating it at once so that the body can burn fat and calories quickly and not accumulate in the body.
  • Try to add different soup dishes such as vegetable soup, lentil soup, chicken soup and other soups to the main meals, they contain minerals and vitamins for the body and it helps to feel fullness.
  • Regular exercise is as simple as walking for ten minutes a day.
  • Spices and warm foods stimulate metabolism and eating foods that contain spices and pepper are very useful for burning fat.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits when you feel hungry between meals instead of eating fatty meals. Vegetables and fruits contain lots of fluids that contribute to feeling full.
  • Try to reduce the intake of meat of all kinds.
  • Avoid adding butter or butter to foods or eating soups or creams.
  • Replace milk and dairy products with low-fat foods.
  • Replace white bread with brown bread or bran bread.
  • Stay away from soft drinks or try to reduce them and replace them with natural juices such as tomato juice, orange juice and other beverages without sugar.
  • Stay away from foods that contain a lot of sugar.
  • Allocate one day a week while following a diet to break the food routine of eating low amounts of meat and fatty foods.