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Weight loss is one of the most important things to gain a person health and wellness in his body, different ways of losing weight depending on the age and weight of the person, one of the best ways to lose weight is to drink green tea, because it contains many benefits, such as increased metabolism and loss of appetite.

Benefits of green tea

  • It acts as an antioxidant, thus a good hepatotoxicity, and has a positive effect on losing or maintaining weight.
  • Increase metabolic rate, thus burning more calories.
  • Helps lower blood pressure.
  • Protects the heart from diseases.
  • Improves colon function and expels gases from the stomach.
  • It regulates bowel movement.
  • Helps reduce bad cholesterol, and removes fat deposited on the wall of blood vessels.
  • Maintains skin freshness.

Green tea damage

  • Must be moderate in drinking, and not to multiply it, that is to drink 3 cups of it a day, and not to increase it.
  • Drink green tea two hours after the meal, because it reduces the absorption of iron in the body.
  • Drinking too much green tea works on the body’s loss of calcium, and this is unhealthy because calcium is needed by the body, which is useful for the body as well.
  • Green tea contains a small amount of caffeine, should not be frequent drinking a day, because of its many side effects, including: Headache, increased nervousness, irregular heart rate, insomnia, sleep problems.

Use green tea

You should moderate your intake, not increase it a day. To lose weight safely and effectively, combine a good diet with exercise. When using green tea supplements to lose weight, you should first take your doctor’s advice.

Green tea has many benefits and most important weight loss, this means that green tea can many people to lose weight in a natural, safe and healthy way too.

Studies on green tea

Recent studies have shown that green tea contributes to the burning of body fat quickly and in a healthy way, so as to accelerate the process of burning fat, generating the heat needed to burn fat.