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Seeds of flax

Flaxseeds are the seeds of flaxseed, which is the annual name of Linum usitatissimum. It is characterized by its oval seeds and the color structure. Flax seeds have been known since ancient times for their therapeutic uses in many health conditions, in addition to their use as food.

These seeds give humans many health benefits when added to a diet. Its health benefits are attributed to three of its components: fatty alpha-linolenic acid, water soluble and insoluble water fiber, and lignin compounds. Of the food industry, such as many baked goods, biscuits, pancakes and others.

Flaxseed is commonly used among many people to help treat obesity and weight loss, and what we hear about this effect may contain some exaggeration, but flaxseed can have beneficial effects on weight loss. This article describes these effects and how to use flax seeds to get them.

Flaxseeds and weight loss

It should be borne in mind that the treatment of obesity and overweight requires a healthy diet in which the calorie intake is less than those spent by the body, in addition to raising the level of physical activity and exercise, and gradually adjusting the lifestyle by adopting healthy habits and abandoning the wrong habits that contribute to increase Weight, and there is no magic solution for weight loss, but nevertheless it is OK to support a healthy weight loss system using flaxseeds or other safe alternative treatments as long as they are used in appropriate quantities and doses are correct after consultation with the doctor and He confirmed it does not conflict with the health status or with any of the drugs covered by the person if any.

To answer whether flaxseed helps weight loss, there is no clear and explicit answer to this question because of the different results of studies in this effect. Flaxseed can play a role in weight loss by increasing the feeling of satiety and reducing the amount of food eaten, A study found that eating flaxseed before meals reduces the amount of food eaten, and another study found that a drink of 2.5 g of flaxseed fiber helps to eat less food and increase the feeling of fullness after meals.

Containing flaxseeds contributes to reducing the speed of both digestion and absorption, high glucose and insulin levels, reducing the chance of accumulation of fat in the body, and a tablespoon of flaxseed contains gramin of dietary fiber.

In addition, alpha-linolenic acid can play a role in contributing to the treatment of obesity because of its effects on adiponectin, which is inversely associated with body fat, Spoon of flax seeds ground on 1.6 g of this acid

In general diets that contain high amounts of dietary fiber contribute to reducing the amount of food eaten and increase the satiety, and thus are known to play an important role in weight loss diets. Flaxseeds are a good source of dietary fiber, making them suitable for weight loss diets.

Use flaxseed for drying

Science does not specify a specific method or recipe for the use of flaxseed in weight loss, but there are general guidelines for the way to take flaxseed to ensure all benefits and avoid toxicity, including the following:

  • The whole seed must pass through the digestive system and come out unchanged. The digestive system can not digest it, so humans do not get all the benefits from it. The seeds of flax are raw and care should be taken not to take the seeds of non-mature flaxseed, since these forms can be poisonous, and for proper use they can be added to the baked goods, soups and various dishes, such as meat dishes and chicken. After soaking p Sometimes water before meals to get their effect in reducing the level of appetite.
  • The whole flaxseed is much longer than that of the mill, which is easy to crack, oxidize and oxidize. It is preferred to be purchased in full, preferably in the refrigerator or in a dry place away from light and heat. If the seeds are bought or if the additional quantity is to be grinded, they should be kept in the freezer.
  • High-dose flaxseed should be avoided by pregnant women; they can have similar effects to estrogen, which can be harmful to pregnancy, and there is insufficient information about their effect on the baby after birth, nor is there sufficient information about their effect on children And should be avoided in some health conditions, such as blockages of any part of the digestive system, bleeding disorders, hormone-sensitive diseases and cancers. Care should be taken when using flaxseeds in doses High in the neighborhood Do not take diabetes medication, pressure and anticoagulants.