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Ways to burn belly fat and waist

Fat belly and waist

Obesity is defined as the accumulation of fat at a level that exceeds a certain limit to interfere with health, and with the multiplicity of causes of obesity and the role of genes in it, but often affects healthy obesity after the imbalance of energy equivalent in the body, meaning that the amount of calories consumed is greater than the calories burned by the body , And when that happens accumulate excess calories that are taken in the form of excess fat, and the distribution of these fats in the body from person to person, where the increased chance of a person to accumulate fat in the abdomen if male, and it increases with age, Percentage of obesity In men and in postmenopausal women. The genes also determine how fat is distributed in the body, a sign of the prevalence of a certain type of obesity among family members and relatives. The high levels of androgens and cortisol in women increase the chance of fat accumulation in the abdomen, Weight gain and obesity are likely to cause fat accumulation in the body, especially in the abdomen and waist, and the unhealthy lifestyle, trans fat intake (11) .

Diagnosis of moderate obesity

Obesity is usually diagnosed using the body mass index (BMI), which is calculated from the following equation: BMI = weight (kg) / square length cm². The following table represents BMI ratings.

Category Body mass index (kg / m 2).
Weight loss Less than 18.5
Normal weight 18.5-24.9
Increase in weight 25-29.9
First-class obesity 30-34.9
Second-class obesity 35-39.9
Third-class obesity (excessive obesity) 40 and more

The size of internal abdominal fat can be determined by CT scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, moderate obesity is usually diagnosed in an easier way – waist circumference measurement (11) , Where the height of 102 cm in men and 88 cm in women means an increase in the volume of fat in this region, and can be the internal fat in the abdomen size affects health, even in people who are not overweight, due to genes and some environmental factors Lifestyle, and especially physical activity rate (11) .

Health risks of accumulation of abdominal fat and waist

Moderate obesity, or so-called male obesity and apple form, is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, certain cancers, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s and dementia (11) , Where this form of obesity is more dangerous to health than the fat accumulated in other places of the body, and there are fat in the abdomen and waist in all people, as they are divided into two types, the first consists of those fats under the skin, and the second is the fat surrounding the internal organs (Visceral fat), although the presence of the latter type of fat is important in the prevention of these members, but the accumulation of excessive amounts cause health problems more than any other fats in the body, and cause accumulation of excess body fat stored in unusual places, In the organs of the body and around the heart (11) .

These fats affect health because of the secretion of many substances, such as inflammatory cytokines, and lowering levels of adiponectin, which is associated with resistance to inflammation, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Means of burning fat


Research has found that aerobic exercises target abdominal fat, specifically internal fat, and found that exercise of at least 10 hours a week of aerobic exercise leads to loss of abdominal fat, and found that the exercise of aerobic exercise medium to severe severe for 8 weeks reduce fat Abdominal area.

Intermediate exercise such as walking, which stimulates a 30-minute increase in breathing for five minutes a week, leads to fat loss in general and abdominal fat in particular. The intensity can be increased and the duration reduced to half, such as 20-minute jogging 4 times a week. Elliptical exercisers and rowing machines have a similar effect (11) .

It should be noted here that exercises abdominal muscles do not target abdominal fat as many believe, and although these exercises useful in other aspects, but generally can not exercise a specific area in the body to lose fat (11) .

Food Dieting

There is no specific diet or diet specifically targeting abdominal fat (11) , Weight loss through a healthy, balanced and varied diet designed to lose weight leads to loss of body fat, including abdominal and waist fat, and abdominal fat is often the first fat to be lost in a low-calorie diet (11) , Unlike the fat of the buttocks, which are considered more difficult to lose.

In order to lose weight, the calories in the diet should be lower than the calories burned by the body, but without exceeding the basic metabolic rate, which represents the minimum energy needed by the body to perform its basic metabolic functions, and weight loss strategies that adopt gradual changes The average weight loss is the most successful compared to the popular diets that cause rapid weight loss, and it is recommended to visit a dietitian in order to obtain an appropriate nutritional plan and individually designed according to the nutritional status and health and psychological readiness of the person.

It was found that increased intake of dietary fiber reduces the body fat, where it was found that people who eat 10 g of water-soluble dietary fiber have lower abdominal fat than others (11) , An example of foods high in fiber content are whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Trans fat should be avoided in order to lose belly fat. It is found that this type of fat increases the level of fat in the abdomen and makes the body rearrange its fatty tissue to concentrate in the abdomen. Trans fats include some fat in margarine, baked goods, pans and fast foods (11) .

Foods high in fat and calories should be avoided. Foods that are high in nutritional content should be avoided in comparison with their calorie intake. Fat reduction methods should include the replacement of milk and whole fat products with low-fat and low-fat products. Avoid fried foods, fast foods, high-fat meats, As well as avoiding sugars and sweets, reducing the intake of refined carbohydrates and replacing them with whole grains.

The studies found a role to play green tea in weight loss, and found that eating and exercise are fighting belly fat, and also found blue berries also played a role in fighting belly fat (11) .

Adequate sleep and not excessive

The daily habits and lifestyle have a direct impact on body weight and fat accumulation. Not enough sleep can negatively affect metabolic processes in the body, causing fatigue, accompanied by an increase in the likelihood of eating unhealthy foods. People who get 6-7 hours of sleep a day have lower abdominal fat than people who sleep less than 5 hours or more than 8 hours a day, which also indicates that increased sleep negatively affects fat accumulation (11) .

Fight stress

People should find ways to cope with stress and stress. Avoid emotional eating. Relaxing with family, friends, meditation and exercise relieves tension and helps people make healthier nutrition choices. In this case, the sport is doubly beneficial. It is useful in fighting obesity and abdominal fat in addition to its role in fighting tension (11) .