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Fat is one of the elements needed by the human body to provide energy to him, as the body can benefit from it directly, or by keeping them until needed, and absorption of fat in the stomach comes after conversion of food to fatty acids, and if the rate of these acids from the normal limit Which is needed by the human body then it will cause the damage caused by accumulation in the body in different places, including lipid tissue or that it can accumulate in the lining of the blood vessels, causing the person many diseases, especially heart disease. Therefore, the human must work to reduce significantly of fats, especially when accumulated in large quantities in his body, causing him huge health problems. The sources of fat vary between animal sources and plant sources. The approximate amount of average fat that a person can eat is estimated at 15 grams to 35 grams a day.

To burn fat from the body and reduce weight requires a number of things, where these rely on two main factors, the first factor is the exercise regularly, as exercise exercises lead to increase the proportion of fat burning because it makes the body needs energy and thus burn fat, These exercises coincide with a diet that contains the quantities of elements that the human body needs in full, as these elements will work to make the human body a more healthy body. If man and man follow these two ways together, it will undoubtedly lead to weight loss. It is also necessary for a person not to rush a result, but he must wait because what accumulated in days can not be rid of the body from overnight, but it takes several days to be able to get rid of them.

After you have finished eating your diet, you must maintain weight and work as much as possible to stabilize it. Weight stabilization can be done in a number of ways, including drinking large amounts of water before eating fatty meals, as well as continuing to practice weight training. The food in its diets contains proteins in a large way as they cause satiety to the person, and not to neglect the breakfast is essential to maintain weight and increase the intake of vegetables and fruits.