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Fat buttocks

Most people around the world suffer from the problem of accumulation of fat around the abdomen and buttocks. This problem is not limited to women only, but also to men, which causes the parties embarrassment and distress often, and there are many reasons lead to accumulation of fat around the buttocks, Because of the nature of the work, and the excessive intake of sugars and fats have the greatest impact in the formation of buttocks, and can also be the cause of the position of false parking, or high estrogen ratio in women, and will introduce in this article some proposed solutions to burn fat around the To Ardaf.

Tips for burning buttocks fat

  • Avoid sleep after eating directly, and can sleep after eating for at least three hours; because the stomach decreases its work during sleep and can not digest and therefore stored food in the form of fat in the abdomen and buttocks.
  • Orange spray helps a lot to burn fat in the buttocks by adding it to the green salad before eating it in seconds to avoid the feeling of bitterness.
  • The practice of some exercise daily, fast walking for half an hour burns a hundred calories in the body, especially those accumulated on the buttocks, as confirmed by the specialists.
  • Eat a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon before bedtime. It is a great drink to melt fat.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, especially before eating a meal. Water dissolves fat, activates digestion, and a person feels full.
  • Stay away from eating junk food because it contains a large percentage of calories and saturated fats stored by the body in the abdomen and buttocks for the difficulty of dealing with them.
  • Stay away from soft drinks and even dedicated to the diets because they contain a large proportion of sugar.
  • Drink ginger with lemon juice so that boiling water is added to ginger, lemon juice and honey and eaten every morning on the saliva.
  • Eat three cloves of garlic, then take a glass of sugar-free lemon juice mixed with water, this drink is taken on the stomach every morning, and can alternately eat ginger drink on the first day, and on the second day lemon and garlic drink and so on.
  • Using cinnamon with hot drinks such as tea, milk or coffee by sprinkling a little above it, it dissolves the body fat in general and the abdomen in particular and without any side effects.