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Ways To Know Burn Body Fat

It is easy for a person to focus on the amount of weight lost during a certain period, when he tries to lose weight to get a perfect body, but even if the person did not lose weight as quickly as he wants, but he will inevitably get the body he wants; because he lost some fat and gained Muscle, but that through the balance can only human to know the amount of weight lost, there are many ways to find out whether a person lost fat or not, and the following is her view:

  • Measurement of clothing: When the person burns fat in his body, he will find that his clothes fit better than before, especially in the chest and waist, and even if it does not appear on the balance that he lost weight, but it certainly will burn a quantity of fat.
  • Stability of the energy level: When the body uses fat as a source of fuel, man will find that his energy levels remain constant, and when a person relies on carbohydrates as an energy source, it will be a wave of it, and will suffer from fluctuations in mood, and if the person noticed that the level of energy is constant during the day , Without feeling tired during the afternoons, it means that it burns high levels of calories and their source of fat.
  • Heart rate during exercise: The heart rate can be used to determine if the energy produced during the exercise of fat, about sixty-five percent of the rate of high heart rate means that the body burns a large amount of calories from fat, and more than seventy-five percent Of this rate means that the body burns carbohydrates, which is also good; because in the end will be burning calories from the body, and to know the rate of high heartbeat can be subtracted from the age of two hundred and twenty.
  • Carbohydrate intake: The body always tries to use carbohydrates as a source of fuel, so if a person consumes large amounts of them, his body will go to burn them, but if the diet is a few carbohydrates, the body will look for another source of fuel in this case will be the source of fat.
  • Body Composition Testing: The most reliable method for the amount of burned fat is this test, and there are several types, and this test is performed almost every month; because the test in close intervals will not show the desired results, and this test is available in Sports centers.