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We often feel a desire to get a meal that gives the meeting a wonderful taste, so we do not resist most of the time. We prepare a quick meal, which can be eaten during the series, or the game, etc. We may want to forget that these small meals Which is not considered a meal from the ground, is the main engine to become obese is normal, and no problem in it, as you do not know the size of the problem you are in, you are really in a bigger problem, especially when you lose the ability to move or walk and others.

Here are some tips for dieting. Remember that your weight is your main problem. .

Personal Trainer: When you follow a diet, use a personal trainer, who supports you in times of the day, and is on your head to encourage you so that you do not fall down, get back to your old habits, bring you people who suffer like your problem, make them follow your diet, and take part in competition.

Nutrition Specialist: You can visit a dietitian at intervals, make him a diet, try not to bother yourself too much, and give him some advice that will strengthen your immunity while refraining from eating the nutrients that make you obese: fats, sugars, and starches.

Dispose of bread: If you want to follow a healthy and healthy diet, leave the bread aside and replace it with boiled or brown rice, and try to avoid eating the night.

Playing sports : This is true, but the skin will become softened. These laxatives can only be removed on a regular basis in different types: calgary, brisk walking, dancing, jumping.

Make your food balanced: Diet is not to abstain from food, nor to deprive the body of calories, but is the balance in giving the body the right of the nutrients required, as you deprive yourself of food, this does not mean you lose weight.

Both are mated by a little: You can eat nuts that do not contain a high percentage of oils, and as a courtesy to friends and relatives you can take a few of them and eat, and it is okay to eat a few sweets, if you were somewhere and offered to you, So.

the main meals : Make your main meals six meals instead of three, and support them with vegetables and fruits, and eat dinner, or make it secondary.