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Diet of eggs for slimming

You can use boiled eggs in your diet program to reach the ideal weight, as well as make some health changes in your food program, and characterized by boiled eggs is not complicated and easy to follow, and does not require much time in preparation, Freshness of the skin and face, because of the benefits of eggs especially when you follow a diet, and the most important of these benefits include:

Benefits of eggs for slimming

Eggs are made up of a high percentage of food protein that activates the process of burning fat inside the body, in addition to it works to stimulate metabolism, destruction and construction, and research has shown that eggs do not raise cholesterol levels in the blood, but maintains them, where most people think that the eggs increase the proportion Cholesterol in the blood, but research has shown that this myth is completely wrong, where a test was conducted on a hundred individuals divided into two groups, and were placed in a simple test where one egg was taken in a week for members of the first group, while the second group took more than an egg during the twenty-four Hour, and after Rohr thirty days, showing that eating eggs did not cause any change in cholesterol in the blood, and the two groups were at the same level, and this shows that there is no relationship between eating eggs and high or low cholesterol in the blood.

Egg system for slimming

First day

  • Breakfast: a piece of dry toast, and a large grain of grilled tomato.
  • Lunch: Any quantity of any type of fresh fruit.
  • Dinner: Two boiled eggs, a salad dish, and a grapefruit.

the second day

  • Breakfast: Grapefruit, boiled egg.
  • Lunch: grilled chicken, two fresh tomatoes.
  • Dinner: a piece of grilled meat, and a salad dish.

the third day

  • Breakfast: Grapefruit, boiled egg.
  • Lunch: Two boiled eggs, salad.
  • Dinner: 2 slices of grilled mutton, celery and cucumber.

the fourth day

  • Breakfast: a piece of dry toast, and two boiled eggs.
  • Food: Any kind of fresh fruit in any quantity.
  • Dinner: 2 grilled lamb, celery, and cucumber.

Fifth day

  • Breakfast: a piece of whole dry toast, and two boiled eggs.
  • Lunch: Two boiled eggs, and two fresh tomatoes.
  • Dinner: fresh fish, salad dish.

the sixth day

  • Breakfast: boiled egg, a cup of fresh grapefruit juice.
  • Runner: The amount of any kind you love of fresh fruit.
  • Dinner: a piece of grilled chicken, carrot salad and cabbage.

Day Seven

  • Breakfast: Two boiled eggs, and a piece of grilled tomato.
  • Lunch: Two boiled eggs, and spinach.
  • Dinner: a piece of grilled meat, and a green salad dish.