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Many studies have shown that people who do not eat breakfast are more likely to lose weight than people who eat breakfast. It is important to choose a healthy breakfast meal that will cover the fiber, whole grains and protein to provide energy and reduce hunger. Examples of a healthy breakfast:

  • Brown bread with cheese or cheese and tomato and cucumber.
  • Whole breakfast cereals with a cup of milk and a banana or dried fruit such as a pass or raisins.
  • Brown bread with boiled egg, vegetables and a glass of milk.
  • Oats, milk and banana.
  • Toast brown or brown bread with Quraish cheese or any kind of low-fat cheeses, sliced ​​smoked ham or cheese.
  • Whipped eggs with cheese, vegetables or herbs, saute a small amount of vegetable oil and served with brown bread and a piece of fruit.
  • Fennel beans or chickpeas with tahini are served along with cucumbers or vegetables such as cucumbers, carrots and celery.
  • Fry the milk with honey and fruits such as strawberries and bananas, make sure to choose fresh fruit to ensure good taste.
  • Ban Cake with peanut butter served alongside bananas.

Despite the frequent recommendations to eat breakfast, most people are unaware of the importance of this meal and ignore it for reasons such as desire to lose weight and this is wrong or lack of time in the morning to eat breakfast and for whatever reason, breakfast is of great importance to ensure a healthy lifestyle for young people, For adults or adults, as breakfast stimulates the vital processes and metabolic after sleep after a long period of discontinuation of eating as studies have shown that eating breakfast is a key factor to achieve the ideal weight as it stimulates the feeling of satiety and increase the efficiency of metabolism. The Meal in the daily routine of the child affects heavily on his education as proven positive effect meal breakfast on the students in the following aspects:

  • Improve the results of cognitive tests.
  • Improve memory and language skills
  • Solving mental problems such as mathematical questions.

Unfortunately, more than 30% of children do not eat breakfast, and the percentage increases significantly in adolescence, which means that the child is fasting for at least 15 hours a day.

As for the effect of breakfast on the weight of healthy and ideal for children proved that children who eat breakfast daily and have a healthy weight and ideal and any claim that it increases the weight of the child is a myth.
Whole grains and their derivatives such as brown bread, ready-made cereals made from whole grains and oatmeal from starch-rich sources, and the presence of proteins at breakfast are important, which also enhances the feeling of satiety.

Health options that can be eaten at breakfast include:

  • Eggs: It is recommended to eat 3 eggs a week, preferably to be boiled to reduce calories, regardless of the incidence of high cholesterol in the blood, as recent studies have shown that the cholesterol in the egg is not linked to increased cholesterol blood and conversely it has been shown that people who eat eggs in a meal Breakfast has healthy weights compared to those who avoid eggs, and it must be pointed out the need to ensure maturity of eggs to eliminate harmful microorganisms such as Salmonella.
  • Milk and dairy products especially for children and women because they are rich in protein, calcium, such as low or skim milk, milk, cheese and yogurt.
  • Vegetables or fruits to make breakfast rich in fiber and vitamins.
  • If you are a person who does not eat breakfast for fear of gaining weight, remember that breakfast is the main meal of any diet program or diet and there is no evidence or scientific study confirms that not eating breakfast may stimulate weight loss can be selected low-fat health items Which will help you get healthy weight and provide you with nutrients.
  • Many do not eat breakfast because of the lack of time in the morning to go early to work Prepare the Saturdays, vegetables and fruit the night before and eat the meal in the morning during work and make this meal of the most important dietary habits.

If you do not accept breakfast, because your children do not eat what you are mining, here are the ideas:

  • As a role model for them as children are keen to imitate their parents in their different behaviors.
  • It is best to prepare the meal at night if you do not have enough time in the morning.
  • Leave free to choose the type of breakfast cereal for the baby.
  • Serving the dishes in an attractive way, for example, make children’s favorite shapes through toast and cheese and vegetables, or cut bread in the form of circles and the shape of the faces using the cheese and cheese and can cut the option to the decorations and decorate with cheese cubes or brick.
  • If you refuse to drink milk, you can mix the milk with the cocoa powder or flannel and try to serve it in the favorite cup