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This tree is a miracle of the miracles of God to multiply the benefits of this tree, it has many names and named according to the countries in it, some countries say Moringa and other countries said the branch of Alban and elsewhere called the tree of the left and the tree of mercy, and some peoples called the name of wild garlic, Or horse horsetail, and other names, but the scientific name of this tree is Drum sticks, and the country of origin of this tree is India and spread to all around as this tree can adapt to the environment in which you live it does not need much water, and can live in the desert and mountains And on the banks of the valleys and rivers are b At the same time, an evergreen tree, planted by farmers around their crops, is fighting nematodes, a worm that destroys crops and destroys crops.

The Moringa tree is fast growing. During a short period of time, it is more than three meters long. The leaves and bark of this tree are used in many medical treatments. The main benefit lies in the leaves of this tree. These leaves can be eaten raw or cooked like spinach or can be dried. Grind, then add to the food.

Medical value of Moringa tree

It is rich in beta-carotene, which is the natural pigment in the plant and also contains many vitamins, including vitamin A and very rich in vitamin C, where this vitamin is seven times what is found in the grain of orange and vitamin b1, b2, b3, and b6, and there are a lot of salts and minerals, Iron, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. This magical plant also contains a number of amino acids and protein.

Benefits of Moringa

The benefits of the Moringa tree are numerous, their leaves are useful, their seeds are of high use, and their plaits are rich in great benefits.

Benefits of Moringa bark

  • Fresh bark of this tree acts as a stimulant of the heart and a stimulant of the circulatory system.
  • To reduce body temperature.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • It works to lower cholesterol.
  • Antidepressant.
  • Anti-oxidant.
  • Maintains the level of natural sugar in the blood.
  • Very useful for liver diseases.
  • Antifungal and bactericidal.

Benefits of Moringa leaves

  • The leaves of the Moringa tree form an integral nutrient for the leaves of these leaves.
  • Food supplement for people with HIV.
  • The leaves are used as a seasoning for food.
  • Breast milk increases in breastfed women.
  • Juice leaves urine, thus lowering blood pressure.
  • Increase immunity in the human body because it contains a large amount of vitamin c.
  • Maintains bone health due to the presence of calcium.
  • Effective treatment of diarrhea.
  • Toned and tonic.
  • Wrinkles prevent the presence of collagen.
  • Improved look.
  • Improve joints work.

Benefits of Moringa for slimming

The benefit here is to slim down by making and drinking Moringa tea, which is a natural tea of ​​Moringa leaves. It is used twice a day in the morning and evening. It works on:

  • Burn calories quickly.
  • Dissolve grease.
  • Removal of tics especially in the abdomen.
  • Organizing the work of the digestive system.
  • Helps to lose appetite and thus reduce eating.