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Healthy diet for diabetics

Diabetes, which is called diabetes or diabetes, is a disease that comes to the person through a rise in blood sugar leads to the inability of cells to benefit from sugar produced by the hormone insulin, diabetes is a disease that lead to death directly if we do not take the recommendations that Leading to reduced complications.

Diabetes does not convert glucose into energy, resulting in very serious and serious injuries, including death of nerves, obesity, blindness, destruction of brain cells and whole body cells and can be described as serious diseases such as cancer, kidney and others.

Dieting is an important healthy diet and has several positive effects for diabetics as it protects them and relieves them of any diseases that can lead to death. Some people who get early with diabetes say now, “We can not eat anything.” Quite the opposite. People with diabetes have the right to get food like any other person but with different criteria we will explain during this talk. The purpose of the diet is to regulate the level of sugar to fit with the body so as not to pose any danger to the affected person.

But before you begin to explain diet rules, you should focus initially on the following:

1 – contain the basic meals on a certain amount of calories balanced with sugar in the body.

2. Follow the prescribed procedure with your doctor.

3 – The results will be revealed and felt during the period of the integrated system.

When you talk about following a diet or diet, you find the suffering at first, because you follow a new way of eating. You may experience a beginning but you will get used to it during your continuous diet. The change in diet is not fast. As prescribed by your doctor.

On the other hand, one of the best things that you can excel in is the reward of the person itself by providing a reward or gift when you achieve a specific goal, and here we must mention healthy food that should be cared for by the diabetic is as follows:

  • Eat foods that help keep your blood glucose high in fiber such as vegetables, lentils, peas and dried grains.
  • Avoid eating foods that contain fats such as meat and replace them with other types of healthy fish and other foods and avoid oils and nuts because they are one of the most dangerous and dangerous diseases to humans.
  • Stay away from sugar, desserts, dried fruits and soft drinks that contain twice as many calories.
  • Reduce salts placed on food.
  • Exercise by swimming, walking and running to lower calories and reduce blood sugar.
  • Maintaining weight and avoiding weight gain does not increase the body’s sugar and lead to obesity and death.