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Ways to Burn Fat

How to lose stubborn belly fat?

The problem of fat accumulation

The accumulation of fat in the body is a big problem for both sexes of different ages, and this accumulation depends on their behavior in life and the patterns of food they follow, which are often wrong patterns, and the more life the greater the chance of the emergence of accumulations and the difficulty of disposal.


  • Eat junk food, eat quickly without digesting it well.
  • Drink soft drinks and canned beverages, they contain a high percentage of harmful sugars.
  • Lack of drinking fluids and water that helps digestion and burning fat in the body, drinking water during meals and not before and after.
  • Do not eat high-fiber foods that help digestion and fat burning.
  • The lack of exercise and exercise by the individual, and the absence of exercise daily, which adversely affects the process of burning fat, and helps to develop abdominal fat quickly.

Treat them

  • Eat leisurely and without urgency, do not speed up chewing, because eating fast helps to accumulate fat.
  • Stay away from soft drinks, canned beverages, and juices that contain a high percentage of sugars.
  • Exercising regularly, and not losing track of exercise.
  • Eat more foods containing vitamin C, which increases the body’s ability to burn fat, to contain the vitamin organic compounds that convert the fat accumulated in the abdomen to energy to benefit the body.
  • Fiber intake on a daily basis increases the bowel movement, all of which increases the process of burning fat and fat accumulated in the abdomen.
  • Minimize the intake of sugars, starches and fat-containing foods, which are more likely to be fat and not useful fats in the abdomen.
  • Drink plenty of water and plenty of natural juices rich in fiber.
  • Add hot spices and red pepper to cooked foods, for its high efficiency in burning fat accumulating in the abdomen.
  • Replace black tea with green tea because it contains the rich and effective anti-obesity elements, which help to burn fat accumulated heavily, and help in digestion and rest of the intestines.
  • To stop eating in front of television or when attending a program or film or interesting series, because it has proven in practice that this habit affects the amount of food and chewing method negatively on the body and help in the accumulation of fat.
  • Stop eating directly before sleep especially fatty and sugary foods that accumulate at night in the abdomen and lead to fat and fat.