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Ways to Burn Fat


Women suffer from eating disorders more than men, because they are pregnant and childbirth, all of which expose the body to the tightening and stretching and contractions that occur during pregnancy, and postpartum trimmings, not to mention the constant binge sweets and sweets, especially in the stage of breastfeeding in which women are exposed To strange hormonal changes that make it necessary to compensate food in every two hours, and this can make most women suffer from excess weight, and need miracles to lose weight or at least lessen, but soon fail to work diets and tired of exercise hard, About the Alternative surgery and exposure to anesthesia risk.

Women have been looking for safer alternatives in terms of body lift and fat breakdown. Ads have filled the screen in terms of different devices, but these devices have not achieved the required credibility of people, as the safety ratio is weak.

The laser works to rid the body of cellulite in the skin and to beautify the textures without surgical intervention. The fat cell is eliminated, eliminated, and the fat is broken down into liquid fat that is easy to get rid of, even though it requires several sessions of massage to help the body get rid of the liquid fats. Lymphatic vessels.

The laser has been used to dissolve localized fat, dissolve grease in the buttocks and abdomen, and remove accumulated cellulite that deforms the skin and removes grease aggregates. The person observes noticeable changes in the waistline and buttocks after the sessions are completed.

But there is some dissenting opinion in the process of laser liposuction. The other view was that the treatment of obesity and laser liposuction was not as effective as it was rumored, as there are many ads that confirm that they rank first and that they are better than surgery, and there is no doubt that the laser This is not contrary to what is rumored that the laser does not affect the body. It needs to be injected into the body, and it can cause it to cause a long-term risk. Incineration and inflammation are significantly subcutaneous, either Surgery is performed under sterilization and the percentage of the least error where the fat is removed by the scalpel, and here the proportion of burns is zero, and the rate of infection is weak, and the tissues in them are alive and not eliminated, so we discover that the laser is harmful to health and poses a danger to health.

Hence, every woman is advised to follow the natural diet and to rely on sports, although she is tired and needs great efforts, but it is safer and more effective.