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ways to lose weight

The method of calculating the ideal weight

an introduction

In these days when the life system has changed dramatically, it is very likely or expected that people will have health problems related to overheating and excess weight, which is often caused by a change in the life system from the state of movement and daily activity to sitting Long hours, whether during work or even outside the framework. Therefore, it is very important to look at these issues and ask about solutions to get rid of congestion and reach the ideal weight required to be healthy and healthy, and to avoid many of the possible diseases related to large weight increase and increase the proportion of fat in the body. What do we mean by ideal weight? What are the methods of calculating it? What are the so-called descriptions for each weight below or above the ideal weight? What tips and guidelines can be followed to reach it?

perfect weight

The ideal weight is defined as the weight that a person must be naturally proportional to, and varies from person to person. There are various factors that affect the amount of weight that is ideal for each person, which in turn directly affect the length of the person in different stages of development and development since childhood through Adolescence and the rapid growth of the body, leading to adulthood and aging. This weight has been estimated by many studies, all of which confirm that adherence to it or its area protects the person from various diseases related to high level of body fat such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, type II diabetes, stroke, and maintain a physical environment Immune system against various infections, whether bacterial, viral or parasitic. The ideal weight also gives the person the ability to accomplish the daily tasks and duties without the fatigue or exhaustion of the severe suffering of many, especially in the post-work or specifically in the evening.

Methods of calculating the ideal weight

To calculate ideal weight, there are many ways in which nutritionists and chronic disease specialists usually resort. One of the most common and most common methods is the way BMI is calculated. As mentioned above, the ideal weight is the person in whose field the balance between him and his length is calculated. The body mass index (BMI) is defined as the body mass index (BMI). The body mass index (BMI) is the weight of the person in kg. For example, a person weighing 70 kg and 1.75 meters tall is ideally weighed because his BMI is 22, 86 (ideally in the range between 18.5 and 25) according to the equation BMI = (70) / (1, 75 * 1 , 75) and is equal to 22, 86.
There are other ways to reach the ideal weight but less common and used, and even less accurate in achieving accurate results, which are relatively old methods compared to BMI. Among them:

  • Proka method to calculate the ideal weight and through it the ideal weight of the body in kilograms = the length of the person in centimeters – 100 with a permissible error range ranging from 15% for women and 10% for men. In this indicator, the person should be in proportion to the weight, but proved to be a weak method, especially with people with very short and long stature.
  • The method of “Devine” to calculate the ideal weight, and in fact this method is an amendment to the method of “Broca” by the world “Devine” was not intended to determine the ideal weight of people, but only wanted to calculate the doses of some drugs that was taught and used in his career . There are two equations:
  1. For men, the ideal weight of the body in kilograms = 50 kg + 2, 3 kg per inch more than five feet.
  2. For women, the ideal body weight in kilograms = 45, 5 kg + 2, 3 kg per inch more than five feet.

Other important methods, such as Hamwi, Miller and many other methods, are not accurate in the values ​​and in the health outcomes associated with the calculated ideal weight.

Descriptions are named for each weight less than or higher than the ideal weight

  • Body mass index less than 15 is called (very severe deficiency)
  • The body mass index (BMI) of 15 to 16 is called “severe deficiency”
  • BMI from 16 to 18, 5 is called (deficiency)
  • BMI of 18, 5 to 25 is called (ideal weight)
  • BMI from 25 to 30 is called (increase)
  • BMI from 30 to 35 is called (light obesity)
  • BMI from 35 to 40 is called “moderate obesity”
  • Body Mass Index (BMI) is more than 40 (hyper-obesity)

Tips and guidelines for getting the perfect weight

  1. Stay away from bad health habits, such as smoking, excessive alcohol, sitting for long periods of time without movement, and not doing sports during the day.
  2. Eat regular meals at a rate of three meals to five meals a day, provided you do not eat large amounts of food at each meal, and exercise after each meal at 10 minutes to a quarter of an hour.
  3. Eat balanced foods to calculate the amount of carbohydrates by 55%, fat 30%, proteins 15%. These rates are considered the most common months to maintain a stable and normal weight at different stages of life
  4. In cases of chronic diseases such as diabetes type II or chronic hypertension patients, it is recommended to eat meals regularly and adhere to the health dish, which is a division of the dish to four quarters, a quarter of carbohydrates, such as rice, pasta and bulgur and others, and a quarter of proteins, Such as chicken breast, and in the last two quarters, different kinds of vegetables, such as salad, and moderate sugar fruits, such as apples and oranges, are distributed.
  5. It is advisable to follow up periodically with the nutritionist and the obesity specialist if the person wishes to reach the most appropriate result in the shortest possible time, so that the diet does not harm the health of the public health of the body.
  6. It is recommended to take large amounts of fluids throughout the day to avoid abdominal pain associated with constipation, which increases the passage of food in the intestine, which increases absorption, which leads to weight.
  7. For those with very high weights, it is advised not to reduce weight significantly once, because this will lead to serious problems at the level of public health, but it is recommended to gradually reduce weight through daily sports and appropriate diet for at least six months.
  8. Pregnant women should avoid any diet activity during pregnancy to lose weight, because women in pregnancy gain extra weight is not necessarily excessive, and even if the BMI is classified under the list of more than 25, the attempt to lose weight should be deferred to some stage After birth until after the first six months of breastfeeding so that there is no effect on the child.


Achieving a perfect weight is a goal that many aspire to. It is rather to say that ideal weight is the desired goal of most of the various eating and sports systems that are spreading today across the media. And the person should be a doctor himself and adhere to some of the tips that we suggested to reach the desired goal.