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Weight & Fitness

Weight loss drinks

perfect weight

Many people are looking for ways to gain weight in the event of severe thinness, as well as the elimination of overweight in the case of obesity, and this is through the adoption of certain diets and programs under the supervision of a nutritionist to eliminate any complications can be achieved and to achieve the goal required, and in most food programs Some drinks are used to effectively eliminate or reduce excess weight.

Weight loss drinks

Watermelon juice

Melon contains a large proportion of water and fiber and some amino acids, and contains the substance of arginine able to melt fat, and therefore it is recommended to take this drink to get the ideal weight.

Dark coffee

The coffee contains caffeine, which gives a feeling of unwillingness to eat, and helps generate heat to warm the body and burn calories.

Apple cider vinegar

It helps to fill appetite, burns fat and saves the body from excess weight without any complications or serious side effects.

Raspberry juice

Raisin juice has the ability to gradually eliminate body fat, as well as other health benefits.

Green tea

Adherence to a daily green tea drink helps to supply the body with antioxidants that help burn calories and eliminate fat accumulation in the body.

Berry juice

The berries contain a percentage of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, so this drink helps in burning calories in the body in addition to its great health benefits.

Pineapple juice and kiwi

This drink is characterized by its ability to reduce the weight of excess in the commitment to eat daily for two weeks with the commitment to exercise, and the adoption of healthy food systems.

Ginger and Cumin Drink

Ginger is one of the most burning plants of fat, and increases its effectiveness when adding cumin to it, helping to get rid of fat accumulations and reduce weight very quickly.

Foods that help reduce weight

  • Oatmeal: It is a plant containing protein, minerals and good fats that help maintain the proper weight and not increase it.
  • Yogurt: It should be low fat and light until it helps to reduce weight.
  • tomatoes: It is an important vegetable that reduces weight.
  • Legumes: Helps maintain proper weight, gives a sense of fullness and appetite control.
  • Orange: Contains vitamin C and potassium where each helps to hold water in the body.
  • Option: The option gives a feeling of fullness and satiety, as well as it contains low calories.