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Weight & Fitness

How to use apple cider vinegar to slim

Apple vinegar contains many benefits of food and health, because it contains calcium, which works to strengthen bones and protect from weakness and fragility, and also contains potassium, which in turn helps to rid the body of excess water, regulates blood pressure, and helps to balance the acidity and alkalinity of the body , Protects skin from damage, strengthens nails and hair, also helps to rid the body of fat.

Recipes for slimming using apple cider vinegar

  1. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar are taken after each meal for a month and the weight will be reduced by 5 kg, while reducing the intake of food a day. This will burn the fat and not accumulate in the body, thus reducing the weight of any individual.
  2. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar are placed in half a glass of water and then drunk before each meal. Apple cider vinegar helps to absorb fat, dissolve it and prevent its accumulation in the body.
  3. To burn abdominal fat is placed hanging from apple cider vinegar in a warm water cup, and is drunk on the stomach, for one month.
  4. Add honey and a little apple cider vinegar and orange juice to drinking water, and be taken 3 times a day, before each meal is taken 30 minutes.

Prescription ingredients

  • A cup of warm water.
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar.
  • 1 hanging honey.
  • A little orange juice.

Important warnings
Despite the many benefits of apple cider vinegar, it is strongly cautioned not to overuse it, because it may lead to diseases such as liver disease, gastritis, and reduce acidity of the blood, it is not recommended to drink it on the stomach may damage the wall of the stomach, or after doctor consultation .

Tips for slimming the body

  • Care to eat vegetables and fruits continuously, it is useful and provides the body with vitamins and necessary elements.
  • Exercise continuously and regularly.
  • Eat snacks between the three diets, not feeling hungry.
  • Drink plenty of water daily.
  • Stay away from soft drinks.
  • Do not eat apple cider vinegar if there is a sore stomach.