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How to open my appetite to eat


Anorexia is an eating disorder and a severe refusal to eat, leading to significant weight loss and basic energy in the human body, a mental and physical illness that affects adults and children due to biological, social or psychological factors, Simple and moderate appetite using a range of psychological and behavioral methods to reach acceptable results and level required, while if the loss of appetite nervous, treatment difficult and needs specialized medical consultation.

The way to open an appetite to eat

Eat breakfast daily

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, because it is healthy and necessary to get the energy needed by the human body to carry out various activities and daily activities, for example, can eat fresh fruit, milk and whole grains during this meal, and if you need a mixture of calories can be added toasted bread and peanuts to the meal.

Eat small and multiple meals

It is recommended to divide meals into three small meals to be eaten at different times of the day, because eating small meals reduces the human feeling of satiety, which leads to increased appetite, it is recommended to eat 4-6 small meals per day.

Avoid unpleasant odors

Some smells of food can cause anorexia, especially if the person feels full, so these odors must be avoided.


Sports is one of the most important methods used to burn food and gain energy, so people feel hungry after exercise, and it is necessary not to expose the body to a great effort so as not to tire of exercise, for example, walking for half an hour before eating a meal to stimulate appetite and feeling Hunger.

Eat certain foods

Eat fruit and drink a lot before half an hour; because it contains good proportions of vitamins necessary to open the appetite of the human, and eating drinks and acidic juices: lemon juice and oranges, and also prefer the introduction of onion and garlic elements to different diets to open the appetite of human and should be added spices and spices Different foods because they open the appetite also.

Take medications and some natural recipes

You can resort to light medicines for human appetites such as: vitamin B6, and the mixture of honey and vinegar: where you can eat a tablespoon of apple vinegar with two tablespoons of honey before sleeping to reduce insomnia daily.

Use large dishes

Studies and research have shown that eating large plates has a positive effect on the self and the mind, because a person eats a small amount compared to the size of the dish, so it is possible to eat more when the food is in a large dish, and it is advised to use dishes bright colors and attractive and arrange food in a technical way.