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Weight & Fitness


The problem of thinness

The problem of excessive thinness and the need to gain weight is not easy. It takes the person the time, effort and patience to reach the ideal weight he is looking for, regain his natural weight and have the texture and appearance he wants.

Ways to fatten and gain weight

  • Eat more calories the body needs, as it is more than the calories consumed by the body every day, to be able to gain weight.
  • We do not want to increase fat and cause health risks, but we want to increase and fatten the muscle mass of the body, and thus increase weight with the severity Without the accumulation of fat that we have been exposed to diseases we are rich.
  • A special diet to gain weight and increase the intake of fruits containing calories, such as bananas, figs, apricots, and keep away from eating fruits that contain a large proportion of water such as melons, grapes, and vegetables must be consumed in sufficient quantities to get thin and must move away from Vegetables that have a high water content such as cucumber, squash.
  • Eat plenty of nutritious drinks such as whole-milk milk and raisin milk, and add milk to the drinks we prefer, such as coffee, cocoa and anchovies.
  • Eating plenty of protein: such as eating meat, fish and chicken for its importance in the treatment of thinness, it helps in building objects and is also important for metabolism and metabolism.
  • Eat multiple meals a day, more than three meals, dividing them into five or six small meals, and multiplying light foods between meals.
  • Add the spices and spices that make the foods delicious, especially the hot spices as they open the appetite and increase the appetite to eat.
  • Use a large dish to place meals, increasing the amount you eat in a day which will help you to gain weight quickly.
  • Eating foods quickly helps you eat foods in larger quantities than you eat when you eat slowly.
  • Keep away from thinking and busy work When you occupy your thinking will consume a lot of energy from your effort and you will not be concerned about eating foods.
  • Eat nuts and sweets daily without exaggerating them so as not to cause you to get diabetes and other diseases such as high cholesterol.