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A way to remove the cracks of the heels

Cracks of the heels

The most common skin problems are cracks of the heels, and there are many reasons for the formation of cracks in the heels. These include dryness, poor foot care, eating unhealthy foods, inappropriate shoes, moisturizing and excess weight, Cracking of the ankles can lead to bleeding in the foot. This problem can be addressed in several ways, which we will tell you in this article, along with a set of tips for removing it.

Ways to remove the cracks of the heels

Glycerin and rose water

Mix two teaspoons of glycerol, two small drops of rose water, and two small amounts of lemon juice in a bowl. Then put the mixture on the feet, cover them with socks and leave them for a whole night. In the morning, wash the feet with lukewarm water. Repeat this process daily before sleeping.

Avocados and bananas

Put a piece of bananas, half a piece of avocado and half a piece of coconut in the electric mixer. Then put the mixture on the heels, leave it for ten minutes, then wash the heels with warm water, and repeat the process once a day.

Lemon and Vaseline

Wash the feet, leave them immersed for a third of an hour in a bowl in warm water, then mix two small tablespoons of Vaseline with two teaspoons of lemon juice in a bowl, and then apply the mixture on the affected area with massage circular movements, and leave the whole night, Lukewarm, and repeat this process once a day.

Paraffin wax and coconut oil

Mix a tablespoon of paraffin wax with a tablespoon of coconut oil in a bowl, then mix it over low heat, let it cool down, then put it on the ankles, and leave it for the night, and the next day wash the heels with warm water.


Fill a basin of warm water, then add half a cup of honey, and soak the feet with the mixture for a third of an hour, and repeat this process once a day.

Rice flour and apple cider vinegar

Combine six teaspoons of rice flour, three teaspoons of honey, one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a bowl, then soak the feet with warm water for 10 minutes, dry the feet, put the mixture on the feet, leave for a third of an hour, then wash it with water And we repeat this process on a daily basis.

Tips for removing the cracks of the heels

  • Drink large amounts of water.
  • Avoid walking without socks or without shoes.
  • Peel the feet periodically.
  • Eat balanced healthy food.
  • Moisturize the feet regularly.
  • Wear medical shoes.