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Recipes to get rid of the smell of feet

The smell of the feet

The problem of foot odor is one of the most troublesome problems for many people. It is due to many factors such as lack of interest in personal hygiene, high sweat of the feet or wearing wet shoes. In this article we will mention some natural recipes that would Get rid of the smell of feet.

Recipes to get rid of the smell of feet

  • Baking soda: Soda soda significantly reduces sweat and prevents growth of foul-smelling bacteria. It can be taken advantage of by mixing a tablespoon of baking soda in a liter of water, soaking the feet with rubbing gently, leaving it for only a third of an hour, Feet with cold water well, preferably repeat this recipe once a day before sleeping for a whole week.
  • Black Tea: Black tea contains tannic acid, which helps to eliminate the bacteria that produce bad smells. It also fills open pores in the feet. It can be used by boiling two tablespoons of black tea in three cups of hot water, adding two liters of plain water to them, Soak the feet with a hand-held massage and leave it for about a quarter of an hour. This recipe can be used daily for a week.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Place a quarter cup of natural apple cider vinegar in a liter of warm water and mix well with each other, soak the feet with rubbing, leave it for at least half an hour to dry completely, then wash the feet with cold water and soap well and preferably repeat this recipe twice a week to get Results required.
  • Miremia: The sage contains many antifungal properties, bacteria and bacteria that lead to the appearance of unpleasant odors, and can be used by putting a little dry sage in the socks and left for a whole day, or by drinking a cup of sage before the immortality to sleep
  • Lemon: Place half a cup of fresh lemons in a suitable amount of warm water, soak the feet and leave them for no more than five minutes. Then wash the feet with lukewarm water after finishing. Repeat this recipe once a week to get rid of the unpleasant odor of the feet.
  • Clove oil and olive oil: Cloves are very effective in eliminating bad odors of feet. It is a disinfectant that treats the problems of feet and fungi. It can be used by mixing two tablespoons of clove oil with a tablespoon of olive oil and mixing well for a cohesive mix that is easy to apply. , Apply the mixture to the feet with rubbing very gently, leave it for at least a quarter of an hour only, then wash the feet with lukewarm water and soap well.