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A recipe for the treatment of cleft palate

Cracking of the ankles

Knee cracks are defined as accumulation of dead skin cells in the form of a thick, coarse, sometimes yellowish skin, a common problem among people, resulting in severe pain when walking on the feet if cracks are deep. Of the natural recipes, we mention some of them in this article.

Recipes for cracking the ankles

the banana

  • First method: Mix the mashed banana with half a grain of avocado.
  • Add half a grain of coconut if available.
  • Put the mixture on the feet for 10 minutes, then wash them.
  • Repeat the recipe daily to moisten the skin, remove cracks.
  • Second way: Place a banana, put it on the feet for ten minutes, then wash it.

Vaseline and lemon

  • Wash your feet, then soak them in warm water for about a quarter to one-third of an hour, then dry them thoroughly.
  • Mix a tablespoon of Vaseline with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Put the mixture on two feet, then knead them and continue to soak the mixture thoroughly. Apply the recipe at night, and wash your feet in the morning.


Soak your feet in warm water with half a cup of honey, for about a quarter to one-third of an hour.

olive oil

  • Wet a piece of cotton with olive oil.
  • Rub your feet in cotton with circular movements for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Wear a pair of cotton socks for an hour of time, then wash them.
  • Make a mixture consisting of: a tablespoon of olive oil, a few drops of lemon juice and a little water, then put the mixture on your feet all night, and wash them in the morning.

Brown sugar

  • Mix two large amounts of brown sugar with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey and olive oil, forming a viscous paste.
  • Place the dough in half a bucket of warm water, and soak your feet in it for ten minutes.
  • Rub the brown sugar paste on your feet, and rub them with circular motions.
  • Wash your feet with warm water.

Sesame oil

  • Soak your feet in a warm amount of water for 10 minutes.
  • Dry your feet well.
  • Mix one tablespoon or two teaspoons of sesame oil with 2 tablespoons of castor oil or walnut oil as you have.
  • Rub your feet with oil mixture.

Cocoa Butter

Rub your feet with cocoa butter because they are effective in moisturizing, remove roughness, and try to get regular use of this recipe on a daily basis to get the best results.

Prevention of cracking of the ankles

  • Use the stone to clean the ankles of the dead cells after each shower.
  • Reduce the wearing of open shoes from behind, and wear shoes with the appropriate size for the foot.
  • Shower with lukewarm water and not too hot, so as not to dry the skin.