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How to make sweetness

Hair removal in the body is one of the most important priorities of women’s beauty and hair removal you have many methods used such as wax, thread, machine, chemical cream and others, and the best way is home sweetness, which is very similar to the wax used in beauty salons. Halawa is a natural substance that keeps the human being beautiful, clean and smelled desirable, unlike the cream that gives a bad smell.

And sweetness (creed) sold in the markets with many brands, but some prefer to make them at home and here are the methods of manufacturing and use:

Bring 2 cups sugar, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 1/4 cup water. Mix ingredients well
And then put her on fire and her heart every three minutes and after 12 minutes ends
Sweetness where the color is golden, ready to cool or cold tile and can be put some
Water or oil on it and sweetness over it and wait for it to cool because it burns the skin
Then remove it with your hand and put it in a box or use it immediately.

The secret of knowing the maturity of sweetness:

Bring a glass of transparent water and put water in it, and then take the spoon with a spoonful of sweetness
Liquid and her boy in the cup were dissolved before reaching the bottom of the cup did not mature, and
But it is mature if you reach the bottom of the cup a whole piece.

Are there other ways to make sweets?

Yes there are other ways for example honey can be used instead of sugar, as can be added
Some other substances sweeten like a little chamomile in water or put alum
Or other materials.

How do I use sweetness in cleaning?

First, before using the sweetness, you should knead the hand well and stretch and knead (knead well)
Until it becomes a sticker and when kneading it is noticed that the color becomes lighter. And then singled out by hand
On the area with the direction of the hair (unique strong pressure on them until the hair sticks well)
It is noted that the area is dry from water and sweat to increase adhesion.

Leave a minute on the skin until you relax and then pull out in a snatching way but opposite the direction of the hair
Then the hairs come out of the pores.

Continue until the member is finished.

What do I do by redressing the removal area?

There is a good way to get rid of the redness is: Put sugar and cold water or normal in
Cup and stir until the sugar melts and add some lemon and rose water (only
A little of it) and then put it on the area and leave half an hour and then wash the place
With water.

Is there a way to get rid of open pores and hair permanently?

There are many ways to get rid of hair permanently such as laser and crystal
Cream and other, but these methods are expensive and tired and there are traditional ways
Safer and less expensive and are the following:

A bitter bitterness with ammonia and placed on the spot after removal is excellent.
And those who do not like using this recipe because of its bad smell, I advise you to use a herb

Peeled almonds with crushed sugar seeds and put in a liter of water
Leave it to boil over the fire until it keeps the water as much as a cup, then set it aside and leave it
Cool and then put on the area, or add to any moisturizing cream you like
Use it and put it out of cream every day for a week after removal, this method
Reduce the pores until they close and inhibit the hair growth hormone gradually, until you eliminate it, and
This method does not eliminate the hair from the first use, but it is depending on the thickness
Hair and Glaucoma. And draw your attention to you will notice that the hair will start to appear
But it is higher than usual until it disappears after several times of use, .

There are girls who say they used these recipes but did not work fast?

These recipes are not magic recipes, but herbs are substances that inhibit action
Hormones that stimulate hair growth and this inhibition need time. Especially if
The amount of hormones was large and that when the hair is very dark and thick.

In addition to another order is that the hair sometimes cuts absolutely and still from the root and
Recipes do not succeed when the hair does not get out of the pores and so the women are used
Regular shaving will not work with them this way.


There are a large number of people suffering from the problem of hair growth on sensitive areas, and to remove unwanted hair on sensitive areas there are many appropriate ways, there are medical and other natural methods, and hair removal has recently found technical machines and modern hair removal for Sensitive areas of hair growth, as well as expensive but expensive medical methods such as laser hair removal, where there is a substance called sweetness of hair removal is cheap and can be easily prepared and hair removal by, but the disadvantages are somewhat painful, as Sweetness removal Hair is made up of sugar and honey and lemon, where it is better to have sugar brown.