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My father weakened faster

Mania haunts the minds and hearts of many girls and often hear this phrase echoing on their tongues (my father is weaker quickly !!)
One of the most common ways to get a healthy, healthy body:

1- Water: Many scientific studies have proven that drinking water in large amounts every day, equivalent to eight cups of water, has an effect on weight loss. If water is very cold, it is advisable to increase the speed of burning.

2. Reduce meat consumption: There is usually no meal of meat, and experts advise reducing the amount of meat gradually eaten.

3 – Stay away from canned food: Eat fresh foods in your diet and leave canned food and ready-to-eat foods with plenty of preservatives.

4 – diet two days: If you find it difficult to stick to your diet, you can only take a two-day diet, it will ensure a quick loss of weight and protect you from serious breast cancer.

5 – Stay away from sugars: Avoid foods that contain a large amount of skimpiera and not insignificant like tomato paste.

6 – Stay away from flour: Keep away from the foods that you rely on for making flour, such as pastries and different types of bread, so try to reduce the intake of a lot of weight loss.

7- Walking once every half hour: You can break your sitting pattern by walking for five minutes every half hour which generates the big and obvious difference in the process of burning calories.

8. Adequate sleep: Many studies have shown that people who receive adequate and adequate daily sleep are less likely to eat than their peers.

9 – Bring your food from home: Studies have shown that eating different foods outside the home is based on your intake of 135 calories, so make sure to prepare healthy meals useful, but if you do not have time to do so, use the meals ready.

10. Exercise: Do not hesitate to go for sports clubs though you do not have time to have her marcy at home.