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Apple cider vinegar

The apple cider vinegar is used in many therapeutic areas; it is useful for patients with high cholesterol, gastric ulcer, sinus infections, joint pain, easy digestion, repellent for body toxins, etc. Apple cider vinegar is useful for weight loss, The body is effective, and has the ability to prevent the accumulation of fat again within the body.

Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting the fruits of apples that break down sugar and turn it into alcohol and then acetic acid, the essential ingredient of apple vinegar, as well as vitamins, amino acids and mineral salts. Apple vinegar can be used by eating a spoonful or two teaspoons With water, or by sprinkling a little of it on the salad when taken, but be careful about excessive intake, or the appropriate dose, or eat it centrally; it is harmful and does not benefit.

Benefits of apple vinegar to slim

  • Many people, especially obese people, accept cider vinegar to get rid of excess weight because of their ability to dissolve body fat by drinking a glass of water plus a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar on a daily basis until the result is noticed. For people with stomach problems or ulcers or acidity in the stomach, in addition to eating vinegar must do some exercise to get good results.
  • Helps cleanse the body and evidence of the usefulness of Apple vinegar in the slimming that people were old when they want to slaughter birds are fed apple cider vinegar mixed with water to purify the bird body of unwanted fat.
  • Some studies have shown that apple cider vinegar converts complex fats into simple fats that are easily digested and disassembled in the body, and their ability to provide physical activity to humans, which helps to increase the movement of the body, which helps in burning fat and calories more.
  • In order for the person to benefit from eating apple cider vinegar, it is necessary to change the food style and daily so that the person must reduce the amount of food, because the body if misguided receives the fat continuously without movement, it will not be useful to eat vinegar.
  • Apple cider vinegar is used in a massage way to get rid of excess weight by massage the areas to be moistened with a little apple vinegar for a quarter of an hour before bathing.