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Seeds of mullet

The seeds of the men are the seeds of interest to people since ancient times, leaves oval shape green color soft texture, and the color of flowers beautiful yellow, and is the original home in Europe and Asia and is currently living in Australia and China, too, and has many names including Albbla blessed blessed And Alarjj and pastries and Farfhina. The seeds contain many vitamins and minerals, such as: alkaloids, flavonoids, comarins, hydrocyanic acid, magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, B, and C, and has many health benefits to the human body. The most important benefits are given by the seeds of men and especially for slimming.

Benefits of legume seeds

  • Maintains kidney health by drinking boiled seeds.
  • Accelerates the flow of blood in the arteries as it keeps the blood runny in the body.
  • Get rid of toxic fats from the body.
  • Seals blood inside the body during menstruation in women.
  • Diarrhea is treated by eating boiled legume seeds.
  • It acts as an anti-inflammatory, fungus, bacteria, and virus.
  • Helps to clean the stomach effectively as it works to sterilize and disinfection.
  • Helps to dissolve fat, thus it is beneficial for patients with atherosclerosis.
  • The seeds of legume are an effective treatment for thallus by rubbing the seeds by it, they help to remove it.
  • Effective to get rid of excess weight.
  • Reduce the level of cholesterol in the human body by eating a teaspoon of seeds after each meal.
  • It reduces the feeling of thirst, so it is useful when it is taken in the holy month of Ramadan at the time of Suhoor.

Benefits of legume seeds for slimming

It is one of the most important seeds that are used to get rid of excess weight, especially those who suffer from obesity, it works to dissolve fat body as well as it helps to get rid of toxic fats, and to prevent the body from absorbing the fat that can accumulate inside the body, Legumes for slimming by eating a teaspoon of seeds before lunch, and another spoon before dinner half an hour, can eat the seeds with a cup of water after which we can swallow.

The other way we can eat the seeds is by mixing the same amount of seeds with the fennel, kebabs and marjoram, and eating one tablespoon of the mixture before lunch for a quarter of an hour and another spoon before dinner by quarter of an hour. This mixture stimulates the centers of satiety within the brain Giving a sense of satiety.