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This may attract attention to the dear reader, especially obese or obese people, especially in the abdominal area. The abdominal area may be the most difficult to deflate due to the accumulation of a lot of fat and accumulate over a period of years, but dear readers do not despair. We offer you some recipes to slim the abdominal area, especially if you get your satisfaction and benefit from them, but before that will mention the reasons for the emergence of abdominal area:

أسباب Reasons for the emergence of abdominal area:

  • The thyroid gland has to be tested for thyroid hormone and its decrease and deficiency caused by obesity.
  • Birth and pregnancy, especially cesarean sections.
  • Polycystic ovary which causes the accumulation of fluid inside the abdomen leading to its emergence.
  • Genetic causes.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • Liver failure disease.
  • Lack of sleep especially at night.
  • Menopause and menopause cause the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.
  • Drink plenty of soft drinks that cause gas and flatulence.
  • Excessive intake of foods, especially saturated fat.

وصفات Recipes to slim the abdominal area:

  • Exhaling and exhaling, as well as performing abdominal ablation for 20 seconds repeated ten times a day or as much as you can and can be done anywhere at work or sitting to watch television or computer.
  • We bring a little Turkish coffee and put on a little water and olive oil and mix it. We put it on the abdomen and we circle the area in a circular way for a quarter of an hour every day. This method is tried and there were amazing results.
  • We come with three grains of lemon and we do not throw the peel, take the peel and we ply platter of the water, and then put lemon juice on it and drink a glass on the saliva daily.
  • Apple vinegar: Drink a cup of warm water on the saliva and add a tablespoon of original apple vinegar daily, massage the abdominal area with a little apple vinegar and put a spoonful of power.
  • Walking and especially fast for an hour per day, do a squatting exercise and be standing upright, taking into account the opening of the feet with the level of the shoulders and extend the hands to the front and then go down the feet in the sitting position taking into account that the back straight and then return to the previous stand and repeat the process for ten minutes Exercise helps a lot in hiding the abdominal area.
  • Marjoram can be obtained from the Attar where a liter of water is boiled and put three tablespoons of marjoram and drink a cup before or after the main meals.
  • Bring three tablespoons of green tea with three tablespoons of mint and bring a liter of boiling water and soak the ingredients for a quarter of an hour and then drain and drink three cups a day before eating.

Dear reader, you should consult your doctor in order to diagnose the condition if there is a specific disease must be treated before the work of any recipe, and you drink plenty of water at least 8 cups a day, and reduce the eating of sweets and fast food and must be more frequent eating fruits and vegetables.