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When talking about excess weight, it is necessary to talk about many things that are prominent abdomen and broad buttocks, and we must talk about the embarrassment caused by the overweight weight of the fat lady, as the excess weight restricts the freedom of women in the types of clothes worn, which forces women To wear long and long clothing that reduces the shape of her body fat, and obesity overshadows all the features of beauty in the woman, as the beauty of women is lost in excessive obesity, and considers the problem of obesity is one of the most problems to women, one of the most common problems that cause Fatigue Uh, as many of the factors causing women’s vulnerability to obesity and the most important of pregnancy and childbirth, which causes a significant increase in the weight of women and very difficult to return to the previous situation.

For weight loss, ideal body access you can follow these tips:

1. Before starting any diet, it is important to first determine the cause of the weight gain and work to reduce it, and the sudden increase in weight may be caused by a serious organic disease, so all tests must be done to ensure the safety of all members, That the increase in weight may be caused by a change in hormones after birth, and this situation requires recourse to a specialist doctor in order to avoid damage to the body.

2 – Dieting is not enough for weight loss, so you must follow a sports program to help reduce weight as soon as possible, and the best types of fast walking or jogging, which works to burn fat faster, and women who suffer Of the problem of large size area in the body at the expense of another area, the best treatment for this is to follow a certain mathematical system.

3. attempt to interrupt the fast food completely because it has the largest share in the weight gain, they also contain a large amount of saturated fat, especially foods that are fried using vegetable oils.

In order to lose weight in a week the most important tips:

1 – Stay away from foods high in fat, which cause a significant increase in weight, which are the most important fast food and other foods that contain a large fat.

2 – Eat more authorities when you feel hungry, and you can drink more hot soups, as these foods are sufficient to fill hunger but do not cause weight gain.

3 – Stay away from eating carbohydrates that provide the body with a lot of calories, but that does not mean not because it is necessary for the body, but to alleviate them.